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deepsiks asked

Lynx Distributor feeding two Quattro (120/240 Split Phase)

Hello everyone,

As I'm diving into the learning and planning phase for my upcoming system, I'm aiming for a split-phase 120V/240V setup. This employs two Quattro 48V, 10000VA, 120V Inverters alongside one SmartSolar MPPT RS 450/100-Tr. While trying to achieve balance, the Hot 1 and Hot 2 from the Quattro, and the 48V supplies, are the same lengths and would be the same cables. However, the physical layout of the Lynx Distributor positions the 48V supplies coming from the side rather than being centered (see Centered.png). Could this potentially pose any issues?

Thanks for your insights!


Corrected - Copy.png

Revised picture of the system, Lynx Shunt was on the wrong side. But the question remains, for a split phase setup, is this acceptable or the best way for 48V power?

quattro 10kvasplit phaselynx distributor
centered.png (44.1 KiB)
corrected-copy.png (335.0 KiB)
2 |3000

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