
burt65 avatar image
burt65 asked

Weak Bluetooth

Just wondering why Victron has such a weak Bluetooth signal in most of their products?

MTTP about 3 metres, Inverter about 50 cm BMV about 10 metres...

It is a shame that the Bluetooth is not really useful as it stands...

Any way to let Victron know about this crippling issue?

I was looking for a phone number or an email, but I can't seem to find it on their website...

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5 Answers
Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

Hi @Burt65

Now you gave us some more info and the "mystery begins to unravel"... :-))

The MPPTs and the BMV have plastic cases. The inverter has a metalic one.

Add that to your metal wall and you'll pretty see that the inverter range is limited by 2 (two) metal walls, not one like others two... A strong case of a Faraday cage.

As for relocating the antenna, the bluetooth module is a small module with the antenna on the PCB.

And the module is soldered on the main board, so relocating it may be difficult.

So, unfortunately, I believe you have to get used to this situation...


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burt65 avatar image burt65 commented ·
Hi Alex, thanks for your reply

So you reckon by removing the front cover of the inverter I may get a slight better range to pass the wall like the other devices... I did think about the difference between the two material and was also thinking of cutting the front panel and just have an acrylic window in front of the board...


Different question... Do employees from Victron get access to this forum, or is community only?

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ burt65 commented ·

The community welcome is fairly clear on that

"The community is predominantly volunteers, and the vast majority of the answers are provided by enthusiasts. It is not an Official Ask Victron site, for that please use the normal line of support."

It is also worth remembering that Victron does not provide direct support to users, the distributors are responsible for this, your supplier can also be found, and case logged with them, via the support link.

Time for this bot to go recharge its batteries..

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru burt65 commented ·

Good idea with the acrylic cover instead of the current metalic one.

I've used that method some time ago for an APC UPS because the toroidal transformers on that UPS, on transitory regimes, badly interfered with the steel cover making it resonate.

But a cover must be in place, for the cooling airflow to follow the correct route.


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burt65 avatar image burt65 Alex Pescaru commented ·
Well, it worked...

Thanks, Alex, for confirming, what I had in mind. And you are also right about the resonating on the lid... Just removing it, cutting and re-installing it got rid of that issue as well... Win Win...

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cybermaus avatar image cybermaus burt65 commented ·
I suspect the metallic cover is also needed for EMI shielding. An invertor is a very dirty device, EMI wise. I would not be surprised if your other bluetooth devices drop range when you run the invertor without its metallic cover.

Possibly a better option would be to add a external bluetooth dongle on the port. Seems a bit silly, if it already has internal bluetooth, but if bluetooth is critical because you have no GX device, could be an option.

Mind you, you may want to check with some experts if external bluetooth dongles are actually supported on devices with an internal bluetooth, I do not have the opportunity to test that.

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burt65 avatar image burt65 cybermaus commented ·
No, you are wrong. There is still plenty of metal on the side and on the front, therefore no interference with the other Bluetooth devices... I only made a window for the Bluetooth aerial!

The issue has been resolve and only cost me about $3 of acrylic...

No need to reinvent the wheel for this one, and definitely no need to piss money against the wall with extra gadgets...

Thank again to Alex for pushing me in the right direction...

Over and out...

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Multis and quattros don't have bluetooth.

It is only intended for local, near-distance monitoring, and for small installations for creating ve-smart networks.

You can improve it on the Cerbo with an external dongle, but for what it was intended, it is fit for purpose - personally I get better distance than that, depends what is in between.

As a means of connecting devices and building scalable systems, that is intended for use over CAN, vedirect and Vebus wired networks.

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burt65 avatar image burt65 commented ·
What has your answer got to do with my post? Are you a BOT?
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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ burt65 commented ·
@Burt65 considering that it was a direct response to your complaint explaining why the condition exists and offering certain ways around it, from one of our resident Victron experts, it might be worth actually considering the response rather than weirdly assuming it was a bot response.
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burt65 avatar image burt65 Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·
@Justin Cook You may want to read my post again... Asking for an email or phone number, not for way around it! Why would you weirdly assume that it was a complaint??
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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ burt65 commented ·

@Burt65 using a term like "crippling issue" pretty clearly defines a complaint, LOL.
Victron does not have a direct support or complaints line - they're a manufacturer, and do not sell to the end-user. Your path of support is through your authorized distributor, as detailed in the Victron Support page.

That said, what you're experiencing is to be expected - bluetooth, by nature, is extremely susceptible to EMI and RFI, not to mention physical obstacles, and your inverter/charger has a lot of all of the above, so will have lower BT range than pretty much any other VE product on the market. Just the nature of the technology, really.

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regman54 avatar image
regman54 answered ·

As mentioned it is designed for local monitoring. Yes I found you need to be fairly close for initial programming, but for monitoring purposes I find ~15 meters from inside my home to my travel trailer outside perfectly adequate. Outdoors without any obstructions the distance is further of course but I've never tested its limits. If you want to know what Victron hardware I'm using it is listed in my profile.

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burt65 avatar image burt65 commented ·
Yes local monitoring... As I wrote, I can't get more than 50 cm out of the Inverter, no matter what I try to do...

Unfortunately, my setup is behind a metal wall. But because the two MTTP have no issue sending the signal through the wall, and the BMV can easily achieve 10 metres, I was wondering why the Inverter can't do it.

I was actually looking for an email or a phone number to contact Victron and see if they have a solution. I need the Bluetooth to work the same across the entire range of Victron products I have, not just for some...

Come to think about, it is not the signal out the issue, but the receiver sensitivity of the Victron Bluetooth in the inverter that is very limited.. It could be just a matter of relocating the antenna if possible..

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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

I can pick up my mppts and smart shunt from almost 15m.away through several walls in my home.

Where I placed WiFi access points affects it quite drastically. Have moved the AP off to one side of the house, and voilà, from my couch I can now see them.

The remote console over LAN is just as awesome.

BLE has a standard. If you walk 15m away with your BT earphones on they will disconnect. It is normal for a range. But reconnect you have to be closer.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

You haven't told us which inverter you're using. So it's difficult to help.

However if you have a VE.Direct port on it you may be able to use the VE.Direct to Bluetooth interface, placing it outside the metal wall.

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