
Louis avatar image
Louis asked

Smart shunt not connecting to cerbo gx

Hey everyone

I have a smart shunt IP65, (shu065150050) and have connected it via the VE direct port with a VE direct cable as the shunts cable is female and I brought a victron male to male cable.

The multiplus ii is reading just fine on the cerbo.

The shunt reads on Bluetooth but I am getting nothing on my cerbo gx/ touch 50. I am using Fogstar 24V batteries.

Anyone have any idea on what I can do to fix the issue?

Also any advise on the DCVV settings?



cerbo gxSmartShuntconnection issue
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3 Answers
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

Have you gone into the Cerbo GX set up, Settings > System Setup and made sure that the Cerbo is selecting the SmartShunt as the battery monitor. If this does not list the SmartShunt as an option then it is not set up right.

Your description is confusing as the SmartShunt should connect to a VE Direct port on the Cerbo GX, not the VE Can port.

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Louis avatar image Louis commented ·
Sorry my apologies it is connected to the VE direct port, but still nothing on the cerbo/touch 50.

I used a multi meter on the VE direct Female coming out of the shunt and I’m getting power to two pins (pins 1 & 2), then when I plug in the male to male cable I get power to pins 2 and 4.

I’m quite baffled at what could be wrong!

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Louis avatar image Louis commented ·
I have also corrected the post, it was a mess as autocorrect played havoc with it!
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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Louis - sorry to say there is a known issue with this unit and it will need to be returned to your supplier for replacement.

There is a tech note about this available for dealers.

There is also a work around by using a USB to cable instead, but I would advise getting a replacement.

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luiz avatar image luiz commented ·

I have the same problem, my Cerbo GX doesn't recognize the SmartShunt.

Is the problem with Cerbo or SmatShunt?

I live in Brazil but I bought the products in Canada, can I make this exchange with a brazilian dealer?

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The issue is the combination of the two, the issue does not appear with the CCGX.

Replacing the SmartShunt is a remedy though; a hardware change was made in that product.

A quicker fix than replacing the SmartShunt is to connect it with the VE.Direct to USB adapter to the Cerbo GX.

Either option should be available to you worldwide at any Victron dealer regardless of place of purchase. It’s a known issue and a known remedy, and the dealer should get in touch with their supplier if they aren’t aware of it.

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Simon Glet avatar image
Simon Glet answered ·

I am having the same problem so does the issue apply to this one too?




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