
itsme avatar image
itsme asked

My Mods on Venus OS (Main Screen, Truma, Shelly, Weather...)

I use a RaspberryPi 3B+ with a 7 inch Touchscreen in my RV / Motorhome.

I think everyone knows the fantastic work of Kevin Windrem with his GUI Mods and like them as I do...

But I needed more. I wanted compressed information on one screen with less colors. I also need control of my heating (Truma) and lights (Shelly) and so I started my own modifications to the GUI (based on the GUI mods).

And this is the result:





I've created an app for my smartphone to control everything from everywhere as well:




... a BIG Data display that I clip behind the window so I can see the data when I'm sitting outside under the marquee/sunblind:



I've created a short video with the actual modifications of the GUI (part one).

Hope you enjoy it...

cerbo gxRaspberry Pimodificationsgui modsshelly implimentation
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20 Answers
nebulight avatar image
nebulight answered ·

wow, I'm sure the RV market would love that Truma option! Great work!

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matteburk avatar image
matteburk answered ·

My gooooood! Shellys And Truma.... Me want!!!!!

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rock2ya avatar image
rock2ya answered ·

that's some awesome work you did there

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grsh avatar image
grsh answered ·

wow great work @ItsMe.
I also have a Victron system and want to implement my Truma Combi D4E. How did you get everything working?

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shmobile avatar image
shmobile answered ·

Really great solution, congrats !

Would you provide the code of your venus solution and the mobile app you've developed?

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xavier-64 avatar image
xavier-64 answered ·


Good !!
I've also start last week some tests and drafts.... I'm still far from your version....

RV side panel

From truck side ruck


I've spent some time with the station_pump icon not available with embedded awesome font ....
I will perhaps check on victron node-red wed site to find something...

The Mobile app is a good point !!!

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itsme avatar image
itsme answered ·

Thank you for your comments here and on the other platforms so far. I'll make tutorials/workshops, so that every user will be able to do this byself.

By the way... I'm working on a new project, but this will take some time, because there are some technical challenges...

Teaser ;-)


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itsme avatar image itsme commented ·

technical challenges solved...

no leveling, just fresh air ;-)

Full control of the MaxxFan Deluxe (just one way)



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nebulight avatar image nebulight itsme commented ·

wow this is FANtastic. I’ll see myself out…

Jokes aside this is really cool. I don’t have a Truma but I DO have a maxxfan. I’d love to build this into my van. Any chance you want to build an integration for a houghton air conditioner???

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michelle avatar image michelle itsme commented ·

Looks great. How do you communicate between Cerbo and Maxxfan?

I have both in my van.

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itsme avatar image itsme michelle commented ·

two different types: sending IR-Signals via WiFi or USB-Serial.

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matteburk avatar image matteburk commented ·
Hmmmm Looks like some level control of the RV??? Nice with the tutorials! Thanx!
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grsh avatar image grsh commented ·
cant wait to get this running in my van !!!
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xavier-64 avatar image
xavier-64 answered ·

You are using 1 PI and 1 cerbo GX with your system ? (2 hardware system)
I4ve look at the video, really good job !

1 comment
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itsme avatar image itsme commented ·
No, just one RPi 3B+
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Christian Lindermann avatar image
Christian Lindermann answered ·

Oh wow, Truma integrated into the Victron universe. A dream becomes true :-)
Both thumbs up!

I'm looking forward to the tutorials

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mxcamper avatar image
mxcamper answered ·

I would also be very happy if the individual steps for setup were shown here.

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matteburk avatar image
matteburk answered ·

While you have your pants down, make a Sonos Page or a Spotify with airplay..... @ItsMe

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sarah1331 avatar image
sarah1331 answered ·

@ItsMe would love the truma screen can you explained how you interface with it ? Tin CI ? Will it overwrite the inet plus panel ?

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itsme avatar image itsme commented ·
I'll explain it in detail soon. Did you mean CP Plus instead of iNet plus? The communication is between Cerbo, a LIN-TI-CI controller, MQTT and the CP-Plus

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sarah1331 avatar image sarah1331 itsme commented ·
yes sorry cp plus
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matteburk avatar image
matteburk answered ·

Any Progress in the tutorials @ItsMe ? :)

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itsme avatar image itsme commented ·
yes, of course... a lot of work to script, create the overviews, recordings, cutting, voiceover,...
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matteburk avatar image matteburk itsme commented ·


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anakin avatar image
anakin answered ·

Very god job!

What screen are you using?

1 comment
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itsme avatar image itsme commented ·
Different ones... on my productive system in my RV, I have a Raspberry Pi 7" Screen. On my dev-version a 3rd party 7" HDMI. You can also use the standard 5" or 7" from Victron
1 Like 1 ·
honu avatar image
honu answered ·


On your DC System, do you have a smartshunt or is the power value deducted by the Cerbo ?
I'm usint a BMV 712 to evaluate my DC load .. and i recently connected an MPPT on this DC circuit... the value reported now is completly wrong ... even if the BMV712 report the correct one.

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itsme avatar image itsme commented ·
In my productive system I have a BMV 712 as well. In my development system I use a smartshunt.

What do you mean with "completly wrong"? What is shown?

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honu avatar image honu itsme commented ·

Allright ... i'm dumb... i checked all settings and cabling.. wll was right ..; then today i just seen that the BMV712 was not in the device list of the CErbo anymore => There was a wire cut on the cable between BMV712 => Cerbo,n this is now fixed and the value reported by the Cerbo is now the good one ... !!!

Sometime i feel so dumb to have omited an obvious thing to test.µ
Sorry for all the hassle guys.

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jaymusician avatar image jaymusician commented ·

If your MPPT controller is a Victron model and it's connected to the GX device (usually via cable), then the solar output is automatically deducted from the DC wattage. Otherwise you would need to connect another shunt between your battery and MPPT controller to isolate its output, along with some extra config in the software.

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honu avatar image honu jaymusician commented ·
It is a victron and it is connected to a cerbo conenctor and correctly reported in the cerbo display.
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Ben Isikoff avatar image
Ben Isikoff answered ·


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matteburk avatar image
matteburk answered ·

My own designed 3d printed LinBox is as ready as it can be ! img-3070.jpegimg-3071.jpeg

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img-3071.jpeg (1.1 MiB)
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itsme avatar image itsme commented ·
Awesome, Matt! Double Thumbs up! I'm working hard on the tutorials...
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ak68 avatar image ak68 itsme commented ·

The main important thing for me:

How did you integrate the truma in VictronOS ?

Do you use node-red dashboard and if yes, how can I integrate the gui-mod start- page as page 1 of my new dashboard?

0 Likes 0 ·
itsme avatar image itsme ak68 commented ·
It's a combination of code, driver, node-red, graphics,... The mainpage (Victron default or with GUIMods) is still active.
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karelholubicka avatar image
karelholubicka answered ·

Well, huge respect to you.

Due to many different things incorporated in our car (Cerbo, bms, switches, lights, Truma) I started to create an app in Visual studio 2022 MAUI in order to be able to control the car via Android, iOS and PC. It had painful slow performance, so I postponed the development until MAUI more matures. Now I will trash it fully, as when I will follow your way, I can handle everything from the Cerbo and remote console, without another display HW. I was thinking about this way before, as Cerbo is just a comp with OS anyway, but was not sure that I can deal with it. You proved it is possible.

If you want to monetize your hard work a little bit, just let me know. We'll see. Regards, Karel

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freher avatar image
freher answered ·

Thanks to inetbox2mqtt ( and NodeRed, a technically functional connection between VenusOS, CPplus, Truma AC and Truma Combi6E has been running quite reliably for a while now.

Relay 1 set to "ON" via VRM activates the Truma ACC (automatic climate control) in the CPplus and sets the temperature to 21C. Heating and air conditioning decide among themselves whether to cool or heat. Switching off takes place when the relay is deactivated. Works, even from remote but is not yet the final solution. A visually appealing control as in your screenshots is still missing.

Have you (@ItsMe) made any progress in adapting the QML on the GUI v1 or releasing them?

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rock2ya avatar image
rock2ya answered ·

hi do you think it would be possible to show the battery with all information in the center for a small system instead of the inverter?

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Related Resources

Cerbo GX product page

GX family product range

Cerbo GX & GX Touch datasheet

Cerbo GX Manual

Venus root access document

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Raspberry Pi running Victron’s Venus firmware - Blog Post

Venus OS Large image: Signal K and Node-RED - Install

raspberrypi install venus image

Experiments, Modifications and Adaptions. Mods (Modifications) can be made to Victron Software by the Community. Please use the modifications space for enthusiasts who want to push what is possible, without official Victron Support.

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic