
johanvanr avatar image
johanvanr asked

What is the lithium smart battery terminal temperature rating?

This question is about the lithium smart battery product range.

Cables available in the USA have insulation temperature ratings of 60/75/80/90/105/125/200°C, meaning that the cable insulation can withstand those temperatures. The battery case however is made from ABS which is generally recommended to use only up to 80°C. Next, worst case, assume that the cable will operate at its rated temperature. So, to stay within the limits of ABS, the cable temperature rating should then be 80°C or lower.

Is this too conservative? The battery terminal has a relatively large metal surface area, and there is a black elastomer or polymer "washer" between the terminal and the ABS casing as shown in the photo. So maybe a cable rated and running at, for example, 105°C would still be fine? Has this been tested for certain ambient temperatures?

In short: What is the temperature rating of the battery terminals?


Lithium Batterywiringtemperature
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·


The battery itself is rated to 50 degC Operating and 70 Storage. The terminals expected to follow whatever the innards are.,8-&-25,6-Volt-lithium-iron-phosphate-batteries-Smart-EN.pdf

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