
davebass avatar image
davebass asked

Brand new inverter not working, dealer unresponsive for 2 months.

I bought a phoenix 12/1200 and it immediately upon installation gave the “low temperature“ warning at room temperature. I sent it back to the dealer (20 euros shipping) and they returned it in the same condition saying that they fixed it. I have been calling periodically but they just keep stringing me along. The store is The Solar Shop in Leiria Portuga. How can I deal with this situation?

Phoenix Inverter
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

Go through an official channel.


There is a support request on the page.

I assume by not working it does not switch on at all?

The other option if you are comfortable/competent is to open it and check everything is plugged together and seated properly.

I haven't test driven the pre RMA on a 12/1200 but there is a document with instructions for testing.

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davebass avatar image davebass commented ·

Thanks Alexandra, funny coincidence: They finally got back to us just a few minutes ago saying that the technician that had been “helping” us no longer works there and that they would pay for the inverter to be shipped back again and either fixed or replaced. The problem is the “low temperature warning” which from my research here seems to be an issue with the thermostat and for other people was a simple warranty issue. Not sure why it was such a hassle for us.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ davebass commented ·
Well it should have been easy. I am glad there was is a resolution proposed.
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