
rns avatar image
rns asked

A new MK3 version is available while multiplus looks up to date

I get in the GX the following remark for my multiplus.


When I check in the victron portal the multiplus is up to date just like all my other devices


What should I do with this ?

I did upgrade my multiplus recently to the latest version but the message on the gx stays the same.

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The MK3 update is for the GX to better control the inverter.

Look a bit lower in the menu on the GX under the inverter in the device list, it has the option to update there.

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rns avatar image rns commented ·

Ok thanks so the "temprarily stop the system" is only the GX that could stop ?

A bit strange this is an update within the GX since I keep my GX at the latest release candidate.

Could I expect a conflict with that ?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ rns commented ·


No, it is because you it is updated and there are new features that the message has appeared.

It is part of the Venus OS so no conflict.

You might see a fault in the VRM under ve bus, but I have not had a system stop. Apparently only a very few do. So there is the warning there. But it is likely only as long as a restart it when you update firmware.

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rns avatar image rns Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Thanks, did the upgrade, no reboot at all. Message is gone. Thanks a lot.
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ Alexandra ♦ commented ·
I thought it was for the MK3 Comms interface in the multi.
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