
ochsenblut avatar image
ochsenblut asked

Venus OS: of Inverter RS Solar 48V/6000VA/80A not supported?

I recently installed Venus OS 3.12 on a Raspberry Pi 2B+ without problems. The system runs flawless in demo mode and I patched the MQTT broker address in so that the demo data are sent to my own MQTT broker. Works perfect!
Then I connected the Raspi via to my RS Solar 48V/6000VA/80A. On the Venus OS website I got intstantly information about my RS system: Name, product ID, firmware version, VRM instance and serial number. Fine! But there is no information of solar power, battery power, no technical data at all. Instead I can find this information: "Unsupported device found: This product is not supported when connected via Connect via VE.Can instead."

Well, that is a little disapointing. What is the RS Solar's interface good for if not for reading operating data? But ok, maybe the Venus on Raspi solution is a little oversized anyway. All I want to do is to monitor and store operating data - i.e read the battery state each 30 minutes, send it to my MQTT broker and store into my database. A few simple tasks that can be done with an ESP32 based solution easily.
Now here is my question: What data are beeing sent via the RS solar's interface? Does the RS Solar not send operation data via this interface? Or is it just the Venus OS installed on my Raspi which does not support all telegrams sent by the RS Solar?

Thank you all for your advice!

Venus OSinverter rs
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3 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·
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pmknowles avatar image pmknowles commented ·
Matthias, the node-red nodes say that I haven't got a Solar Charger or PV Inverter installed. If VE-Direct isn't supported then neither is CANBus (apart from into VRM). Am I missing something?
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pmknowles avatar image pmknowles pmknowles commented ·
Found some parameters in Custom Inputs (but they aren't intuitive).
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ochsenblut avatar image
ochsenblut answered ·

Thank you, Matthias!
Well yes, if the VE.Direct interface can be used for the "Victron GlobalLink 520 to allow for remote data monitoring" then all relevant data should be available via VE.Direct.

Please let me refine my question: Does anybody know if this document (description of the VE.Direct protocol) applies to the Inverter RS Solar 48V/6000VA/80A?

Thank you all for your advice!

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ochsenblut avatar image
ochsenblut answered ·

I finally monitored the serial stream sent by VE.Direct inerface of my Inverter RS Smartsolar 48/6000/230 MPPT 450/80.

And yes - the operational data of the device are all available in text mode and hex code as well. I think it's a pitty that Venus OS simply tells me "This product is not supported when connected via" Why are the received data not forwarded via MQTT? At least reading data from the inverter should be supported.

So well, I'm on the way now to create a ESP based solution. My goal is to simply publish the inverter's operational data each 30 minutes or so to my MQTT broker for further statistic examination and saving.

Positive side effect: Because my installation is off grid I'm allways interested in low power solutions. For that the ESP's sleep modes and LoRaWan-abillity is very welcome!

Thank you all for your comments and advice!

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Related Resources

Inverter RS Product page.

Inverter RS Online Manual.

Inverter RS Datasheet.

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Victron Venus OS Open Source intro page

Venus OS GitHub (please do not post to this)