
Martin Silbernagl avatar image
Martin Silbernagl asked

PSA: fails for Internet connectivity

I discovered the hard way (days of debugging, including serial console) that the build-in WiFi access point of the Cerbo GX uses the private IP network So, even when WiFi is turned off, using a LAN (be it Ethernet or WiFi based) will obtain the correct IP address via DHCP, but fail to route any traffic.

This will manifest itself in with an #153 Connection error in the VRM online portal screen:

<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0xb5a04688> Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution


Could someone from Victron please add this to the Cerbo GX documentation?

TCP IP Networking
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

I don't have much knowledge in network stuff, but there is something mentioned in the manual:

If you cannot use VictronConnect, you can use a web browser and navigate to the IP address or http://venus.local

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Martin Silbernagl avatar image Martin Silbernagl commented ·

Yes, that is an implicit hint, but I was thinking more along the lines of adding an explicit one to section [12.4 Troubleshooting data logging]( of the Cerbo GX manual. It already contains a section relating to Error #153 Connection error.

Also Section [6 Internet Connectivity]( might be improved with this information.

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