
rost avatar image
rost asked

Multiplus-2 is power assisting even when power assist is disabled in settings

Hello. I'm using a Multiplus-2 48/5000/70-50 running 507 firmware and noticed that it sometimes disconnects itself from the grid and I can see in VRM that it was doing the power assist even though I have it turned off and set input current limit to 32 A (230 V) which is way more than it was necessary to run a 2 kW load that you can see on the screenshots.
So the main question is why does the power assist happen when it is disabled in settings?
Thank you.victron-connect.pngvrm.pngvrm-2.png

victron-connect.png (294.1 KiB)
vrm.png (163.7 KiB)
vrm-2.png (106.4 KiB)
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


You may have a high impedence connection to grid, so the easier source is the battery. The disconnect from grid is a symptom of that.

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rost avatar image rost commented ·


That certainly can be the case. Some time ago I asked a question on this forum regarding random disconnects from the grid that I still experience at this thread

Sadly, as far as I can tell, there are no diagnostic logs in MP-2 apart from NS protection log that can tell why the disconnect happened.

Is there a way to read a resistance of grid connection measured by MP-2?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ rost commented ·

Changed resistance to impedence. The more correct term.

No I don't think the inverter or system does records/reports it anywhere. I have not really looked to be honest.

You can sometimes tell a connection problem by the way the voltage and frequency fluctuate

If you pull a high amp draw from there does the voltage sag? If it does the connection impedance is high.

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