
JedTheFed avatar image
JedTheFed asked

Power assist does nothing, never activates

Hello, I have...

Dual Multiplus 3000 currently running in parallel on 30 amp shore power

bmv 712

cerbo gx

touch 50 screen

800 amps of lifepo4

Power assist on in both units

When I set "input current limit" to 15 amps and I run 20 amps of load the power asssist never helps out. The system just keeps charging the batteries. It never actually shows the correct amout of amps bieng drawn. Can this be corrected?



Multiplus-IIcurrent limitpowerassist
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1 Answer
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

I believe the current limit setting is for EACH Multi in a parallel system. Try setting the current limit to 7.5 amps (15 amps total).

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