
Lionel SEYDOUX avatar image
Lionel SEYDOUX asked

force equalization?

Hi folks!

In the southern french Alps (not at sea!) my 30kWh batteries are fed with a MPPT 150/65, managed with a BMV 712 and used by a multiplus24/5000/230 all installed 2 week ago.

How do I force an equalization after topping the electrolite with distilled water?



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1 Answer
Mark avatar image
Mark answered ·

With the MPPT use the VictronConnect app, either via Bluetooth interface or a VE.Direct to USB cable - there is a button to manually trigger it.

If you want to use the Multiplus and dont have a Venus device, there is a complex switching operation to trigger it - refer to the online manual;

With whatever option you choose to use please take care to ensure that all the equalization settings are appropriate/correct for your battery type BEFORE activating the equalization phase - as it is easy to destroy a battery bank if excessive voltage/current/time is used.

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