
Gilles Tremblay avatar image
Gilles Tremblay asked

Why the Bluesmart IP65 12v 15amp 120v not charging?

One of our customers bought a BlueSmart IP65 12v 15amp charger to charge his SOK 12v 206Ah battery. Each time the charger stays in bulk only few seconds and switch to absorb. The app shows a battery voltage of 13,3v and a current of 1,1 amp. The SOK app shows the same data with and SOC of 33%

SOK suggest an absorb voltage between 14,4 and 14,6v. So we ask the customer to change the default parameter to 14,5v and retry. Same result the charger switch to absorb after few seconds and give only 1,1amp to the battery.

The battery charge normally with Victron 150/100 Smartcharge controller, so we suppose the Battery BMS is OK.

Any idea on what is the problem?

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1 Answer
regman54 avatar image
regman54 answered ·

From my own experience it sounds like the battery is too close to being fully charged for it to remain in Bulk mode for a longer period of time. Not knowing if the the SOC in the app has been calibrated properly I'd ask the customer to discharge the battery down to something like ~12.6V then recharge the battery completely and see if it stays in Bulk for a longer period of time before it moves to the Absorption stage then on to Float.

After charging it completely remove all leads from the battery and ask the customer to let the battery rest for at least 12 hours before resetting the SOC in the app.

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