
Donald McLennan avatar image
Donald McLennan asked

Parallel Bluetooth dongle with Ve.Direct USB cable

The Victron MPPT solar chargers have one 4 pin Ve.Direct port (not Bluetooth). In the past, I used the Ve.Direct Bluetooth dongle to monitor the solar through VictronConnect. Recently, I’ve connected the two solar controllers to an RPI running Venus OS with Ve.Direct USB cables. Venus OS does not allow changing the battery settings.

There are occasions where I need to change the battery settings on the solar controllers (eg led acid to/from LFP). This involves unplugging the VE.Direct USB cable and plugging the Bluetooth dongle. Switching is a bit of a problem due to location.

Is it possible to make a two port cable with two four pin male in parallel to one female and connect both the USB cable and the Bluetooth dongle to the MPPT controller? Normally, only the Rpi will be used to monitor the solar; Bluetooth at end of season to switch battery



VE.DirectVE.Direct Bluetooth Smart Dongle
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1 Answer
hjohnson avatar image
hjohnson answered ·

It is not possible. However, when connected to Venus OS, whatever settings you have on the solar controller are generally irrelevant as they come under control of the Venus device.

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VE.Direct protocol FAQ