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drtsr1 asked

Multiplus 3000/120/12 New, -does not switch back to charging when shore power goes out

I have a new MultiPlus that when shore power goes out it does the following:

1. Does not Charge other than the FLOAT(bottom light) is on (batteries at 80%).

2. The app shows NO AC Input. App does show Output equal to what is being used by frig. 900w.

3. I tried to turn OFF or CHARGE ONLY with not change in the charging or the input wattage, so then I did the following.

To get working again I do the following:

1. I Manually shutting OFF Multiplus then back ON again, since I get no change when using the app.

2. It then shows the proper 1100w+ AC Input and the same AC Output as noted above(in app) and battery starts charging again.

This does not seem to be correct, what could the problem be? Please help

multiple inverters
2 |3000

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