
cika8 avatar image
cika8 asked

Establishing Modbus TCP/IP connection with ComAp Controller

Hello there. :)

Seeing that Victron has implemented integration with ComAp Generator Controllers via Modbus TCP/IP, we tried to make that work on our equipment... Unfortunately, with no luck.

What we have:

1. ComAp controller - InteliLite AMF 25, with CM-Ethernet module - both have latest firmwares.
2. Cerbo GX, with latest Venus OS - 3.12 and enabled Modbus TCP/IP service.

What is done:
1. Modbus server is enabled on ComAp controller and CM-Ethernet is set to automatically get IP address from Router via DHCP.
2. Router has SIM card (active internet connection through LTE network), but because it has one WAN/LAN port, we could plug only CM-Ethernet module to that port and made WiFi connection with Cerbo GX. All devices are shown in Advanced IP Scanner on PC. Also, we can access ComAp controller through Ethernet via InteliConfig.
3. "Automatic scanning" for Modubus TCP/UDP devices is enabled on Cerbo GX.

No luck with all of these steps. Manual scan takes about 15 seconds, but Cerbo retrieves nothing. We tried to manually add ComAp controller to Cerbo GX by entering IP, port and unit ID - nothing is shown in device list (where are other Victron devices).
Also, there are no messages about any errors occurred during this process.
Few restarts for Cerbo and ComAp controller didn't help too.

What gets on my mind is that Cerbo GX must be connected via cable to the Router, not through WiFi, but as I said, Router has only one LAN/WAN port.

Any help will be kindly appreciated. :)

Modbus TCP
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20 Answers
Craig Robinson avatar image
Craig Robinson answered ·

I will let you know just waiting for the CM3 card to turn up for the intelilite 4 amf 9 but will connect through an ethernet switch as like you my router only has a WAN and LAN port and need a few more lan ports for other stuff.

the only information I can find at the moment

This may help

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hey @cika8 was this resolved?

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cika8 avatar image
cika8 answered ·

Hi there!

It's not yet, but I'm working with Izak Burger to solve this.
For now, Izak found that Modbus registers set on Cerbo GX don't match with Modbus registers set on ComAp controller.
For example: Cerbo GX is looking for registers 1307-1322 (ID String), but on ComAp controller those registers are 1309-1324 (ID String). I'm not sure how, because Generator doesn't use Modbus values at all - no one needed to modify Modbus map.
We will try to clear all registers in "Values" category and assign required registers from table in Cerbo GX user manual.

Wifi connection wasn't a problem. Modbus TCP works through WiFi.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
ok good!
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dsedgman avatar image dsedgman mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Hi @mvader (Victron Energy) ,

If I am to understand the process correctly, the venus OS, when scanning for a comap controller, looks for modbus point 1307 - ID string, and looks for intelilite4 in the field.

Is it possible to have that setpoint default as "intelilite4", but also have an option for that setpoint be customisable so that we can have it work on the earlier comap controllers?

The text in the id string in the intelilite 3 controllers starts with "intelilite". even if you remove the 4 from the venus os intelilite4 search that would be enough to allow it to work with the intelilite 3 controllers even though they have to have their modbus tabe adjusted to match the intelilite4 controller standard which is easy to do via the inteliconfig software.



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Philipp Trenz avatar image Philipp Trenz ♦ dsedgman commented ·
Hi, I'll contact you by email regarding adding support for InteliLite 3 controllers.
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andrii-podanenko avatar image andrii-podanenko mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Hey @cika8

I seems like also having similar issue

My setup - InteliLite AMF8 + CM3-Ethernet

Cerbo GX doesn't find it via Ethernet, InteliConfig from ComAp - does work

I appreciate you exporting your values for me to import them

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cika8 avatar image
cika8 answered ·

Great news here! :)

Modbus values were remapped according to the table in Cerbo GX user manual and now parameters are shown. Here are screenshots:






I want to thank Izak Burger for his professional approach to the problem, time and effort he put to solve this!

Best regards,


1700551930887.png (40.3 KiB)
1700551958771.png (26.8 KiB)
1700551982949.png (32.8 KiB)
1700551997059.png (32.5 KiB)
1700552009195.png (32.6 KiB)
1700552021997.png (35.1 KiB)
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andrii-podanenko avatar image andrii-podanenko commented ·

Hey @cika8

I seems like also having similar issue

My setup - InteliLite AMF8 + CM3-Ethernet

Cerbo GX doesn't find it via Ethernet, InteliConfig from ComAp - does work

I appreciate you exporting your values for me to import them

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cika8 avatar image cika8 andrii-podanenko commented ·

Hi @Andrii Podanenko :)

Config file is on this link: Cloud Storage

Did you enable Modbus TCP server in InteliConfig and Modbus TCP in Services on CerboGX? Cerbo GX and AMF8 are on the same network (router)?

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andrii-podanenko avatar image andrii-podanenko cika8 commented ·

All is enabled, both ModBus server on ComAp and ModBus TCP/IP in Venus

Issue is similar to what @Craig Robinson described below in thread

I've returned back default ComAp config in order for Consistency Check to not throw Warnings

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cika8 avatar image cika8 andrii-podanenko commented ·
If something get on my mind, I will post here. For now I don't know why is that happening.
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Craig Robinson avatar image
Craig Robinson answered ·

do you have the mapping spreadsheet so I canst mine up pease an instructions on how to doit

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Craig Robinson avatar image
Craig Robinson answered ·

Do you have the mapping spreadsheet so I can set up mine please and instructions on how to re-map


comap-modbus.png (115.4 KiB)
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cika8 avatar image
cika8 answered ·

The configuration file is on link below. Before importing, export your current configuration, in case of some problems. Cloud Storage

Steps for import/export:

1. Connect to the controller;

2. Login to the controller if needed;

3. Click on Controller configuration button;

4. Follow marks on picture below;

Export configuration is done by clicking on the left button, next to the one who is marked with number 4 on picture above.

If you aren't that familiar with InteliConfig software, it will be good to create simulation of controller and try to import configuration to it. After that, do the same on your Generator. Picture below shows how to do it.

1700594443073.png (160.2 KiB)
1700594611289.png (152.4 KiB)
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Craig Robinson avatar image
Craig Robinson answered ·

Hi ok with the intelConfig and exporting but you mention the config file which I download but is just an XML file not sure what to about that copy and pasted the code into the exported file- renamed it then imported and then did a consistancy check but a load of warnings popped up is this ok


the XML file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ModbusRegisters version="1.0">
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consistancy-check.png (284.7 KiB)
1 comment
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Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.

andrii-podanenko avatar image andrii-podanenko commented ·

Same issue on my end with the config, uploaded to current thread

Created a dedicated Question in order to fix it some day


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cika8 avatar image
cika8 answered ·

Just import that config file you've downloaded. There is no need to export your current and edit it and then to import.

Exporting is in case if something goes wrong with imported config, you can easily revert your settings.

If errors persist, then you have to wait for help/answers from others, because I don't know InteliConfig software that well.

2 |3000

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Craig Robinson avatar image
Craig Robinson answered ·

Ok Finally got the CM3 card from ComAp fitted it and like you have mobile 5G router with one WAN and 1 LAN port but as it is some distance from the Cerbo can only use the one ethernet cable connected to the WAN port. The ethernet cable connected to the Cerbo I just removed it and connected to a network switch then connected the Cerbo and gen to the switch as well as my laptop and could see all devices, logged in the Com controller-set Modbus server to enabled and waited and the Cerbo would not see the controller, Modbus enable auto scan on. As I had to go did not have time to import the the file, but at least can connect InteliConfig to it. Will look into your instructions

2 |3000

Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.

iainsommerville avatar image
iainsommerville answered ·

@cika8 I am running into the same problems..... It looks like my register settings are the same as your original ones (see diff below - mine are on the left and the posted config file on the right). My generator is a pretty new Mase one so I am wondering whether all the newer ones have the changed register mappings (my mapping file is 2748 lines long, the posted one 1744 lines - these things generally get longer over time, not shorter). I plan to check with Mase whether they modified the file and will try the uploaded one when next back on the boat.


1703704796406.png (350.4 KiB)
1 comment
2 |3000

Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.

cika8 avatar image cika8 commented ·

Pay attention to Com objects too. They don't match when comparing left and right picture.

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Craig Robinson avatar image
Craig Robinson answered ·


I managed to get the cerbo to see the ComAp controller after importing the modbus config file into the controller, but what I don't see is the fuel level which I would have thought the most important register to see as your more likely to run out of fuel than any other error/fault

from the Victron Modbus mapping file the fuel level 01055 and 9151

Register. Com Obj. Name. DIM. TYPE. Dec. Group



Fuel Level




Controller I/O

but when checking config in inteliconfig it is 01055 9153

tried to change the 9153 to 9151 in the config.UMOD file using note pad but may not work although it did upload /import it did not change , any ideas how to Fuel level to be captured?


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2 |3000

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andrii-podanenko avatar image andrii-podanenko commented ·

Can you provide the details how you got your setup working?

I have similar issue

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cika8 avatar image
cika8 answered ·

Hi there :)

As I know, tank sensor code isn't added in Venus OS yet (tried with version 3.13). About month ago, Victron support managed to connect to my Cerbo GX via SSH tunnel and load script/code (on Venus OS 3.12) for tank sensor. Unfortunately, I don't have that script separated, it is loaded in OS.

Maybe Victron Staff know when it will be officially added to Venus OS.

Here are few screenshots how it looks like:1704277229937.png


1704277229937.png (63.6 KiB)
1704277250708.png (12.2 KiB)
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iainsommerville avatar image iainsommerville commented ·

It looks like it may be in the 3.20 betas (if you are feeling brave!):

Changes v2.30~28 -> v3.20~30

  • ComAp generater integration: add support for tank sensor on the ComAp
  • Add support for new Mopeka sensor models: Universal Pro, TD40, Pro 200 and Pro+
  • Dynamic ESS improvements
  • Security updates for many used components (OS level)
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Philipp Trenz avatar image
Philipp Trenz answered ·

Hi everyone, Philipp from Victron here. I'm sorry for your inconveniences, we did not expect the ComAp Modbus register mapping to be different for individual generator setups. I'm still investigating the issue and working on developing a procedure that makes the integration as easy as possible.

In advance: Please always make sure, that the ComAp controller and the GX device are on the same ethernet network, you're GX device is at v3.13 or higher and "Settings" > "Modbus TCP/UDP devices" > "Automatic scanning" is enabled. And, as @cika8 said, please export and save your default Modbus configuration before importing any other.

I created a minimal mapping configuration, which you can find below in the ZIP archive, that can (after unzipping) be imported in your ComAp InteliLite 4 controllers. It contains the mapping between registers and communication objects as expected by the GX device.

When importing, there might appear a consistency check, which says "... does not have an assigned sensor" and "... is not available in configuration". This means, certain values, like engine speed or coolant temperature, are not available at your ComAp controller and therefore cannot be made available via Modbus. As long as the urgently required registers are not affected, which we do not expect, this will not affect the integration into the GX device. You can therefore ignore the warnings at this point.

I successfully tested this procedure together with @Andrii Podanenko, but would be grateful for any further feedback from you. If it proves to be stable, we will adapt our manual accordingly.

Regarding tank sensor support: As @IainSommerville correctly stated, this feature can be previewed in the release candidate from v3.20~30 and is planned to be released with v3.20 later this year.

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Craig Robinson avatar image
Craig Robinson answered ·

Philipp I will give a that try and I did notice from you previous thread about L2 and L3 being shown in the VRM but the generator is a single phase generator so should only be showing L1. The ComAp controller can be used for the 3 phase those Modbus registers are still assigned these will need to be disabled some how, Also in VRM it now shows 2 generators one is the AC input on the inverter you configure as generator and use the generator Start Stop relay feature in the Cerbo, when the ComAp controller is connected to the Cerbo it does seem to create it own generator controls, I have not full tested this yet.

I am still to get an Airgate ID this seem to be an issue with ComAP as its connected to the same network the internet is on.

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Craig Robinson avatar image
Craig Robinson answered ·

Hi I had a look at the Zip file and notice the fuel level is not there and also L2 and L3 are still mapped is the there any chance Phllip you could make a single phase mapped version and allso with fuel level, image below imported Victron mapped Modbus fill as you can only a few registered mapped


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Philipp Trenz avatar image Philipp Trenz ♦ commented ·
@Craig Robinson With register 1301, the controller reports its phase setting. If you see three phases on the GX device, the controller reports to be a 3-phase system. Please make sure, that your controller is configured correctly as a single phase system.
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Craig Robinson avatar image
Craig Robinson answered ·

Victron need to change the mapping file found in the Cerbo GX manual to add register 01055, ComAp Object 9151 to 9153 for fuel level as 9151 is oil pressure or add new register 01056, 9153, Fuel level

Modbus holding registers for the ComAp InteliLite 4 controller



Fuel Level




Controller I/O

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Philipp Trenz avatar image Philipp Trenz ♦ commented ·
Hi @Craig Robinson, you're right, on most systems the fule level reading is configured on Com.Obj. 9153. We are already in the process of updating the manual accordingly.
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Philipp Trenz avatar image
Philipp Trenz answered ·

Hi everyone,

after testing with multiple ComAp systems, I must inform you that at this point, we are unable to provide a generally valid register mapping file. We are already working on revising the manual to include the register mappings, which at least apply to many generators, together with instructions on how to manually adjust these for individual ComAp controller configurations.

We are still working on being able to offer a more seamless integration into our systems at a later date.

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bruce-k avatar image
bruce-k answered ·

I am trying to integrate a Genset with a ComAp Controller (AMF20) into a CCGX using TCP over Ethernet. The CCGX does not see the CM Ethernet Card even though I have remapped the Modbus registers to reflect those provided in the CCGX Manual.

I suspect the issue is that the CCGX is looking for InteliLite4 (same as dsedgman noted commented up near the beginning of this thread. My Genset runs the earlier controller, so its ID String is InteliLite (Not InteliLite 4).

Has anyone figured out a workaround for this issue?

Thanks Bruce K

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Philipp Trenz avatar image Philipp Trenz ♦ commented ·
Dear @Bruce K, unfortunately, we currently only support the InteliLite 4 controller range (see here).
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Craig Robinson avatar image
Craig Robinson answered ·

Hi All its been awhile since i looked at this as the i had to reset the password on the controller and had to go to site to do it. Once back up and running thought i would try the Modbus whilst i had comAp support online anyway could not get it working but he did change the Modbus register on the controller from 1055 to 1053 but that never worked.

has there been any updates from victron on the set up as indicated in above, GX device firmware beta 3.40-20 on the cerbo that connected to the generator

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Philipp Trenz avatar image Philipp Trenz ♦ commented ·

Hi @Craig Robinson, in latest software version, the GX expects the fuel tank on register 1055, as outlined in our documentation at We have customers, that confirmed that it works as expected.

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