
elliotdoe12 avatar image
elliotdoe12 asked

Victron Orion 12/12-30 Isolated charger Ford F-150

Can anyone tell me if the Victron Orion 12/12-30 isolated is compatible for a 2020 Ford F-150 for charging a auxiliary lithium 100ah battery in the bed of the truck?

orion dc-dc
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2 Answers
mike-g avatar image
mike-g answered ·

Should be. You didn't mention where you're mounting the Orion, but if it's in a slide-in camper make sure your cables from the truck battery to the Orion are adequately sized for the distance (15-20 ft one way) and current. Expect to use 4 AWG at minimum.

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elliotdoe12 avatar image
elliotdoe12 answered ·

It would be in my truck bed so probably 4 awg as it will be around 20 feet. Also, would I go non isolated or isolated?

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Doesn't matter about isolated/non isolated here.
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