
Ovidiu Stan avatar image
Ovidiu Stan asked

Can I see Smart Battery Sense in node-red ? Where ?

Hi guys. I want to use the voltage from Smart Battery Sense in node-red, but I can't find it anywhere. Not on it's own, not in Temperature Sensors, not in Smart Shunt. Any ideas ?

Node-REDSmart Battery Sense
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4 Answers
gareth3403030 avatar image
gareth3403030 answered ·

I'm also interested in how this sensor links up to the system. I have some 24v starter batteries i would like to monitor remotely but think the shunt would be a bit excessive for this use.

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michael-4 avatar image
michael-4 answered ·

same... I am here looking for the same info.. I imagine it would need to be a custom input node, but from there, I need the next steps.

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gareth3403030 avatar image
gareth3403030 answered ·

It would be nice if the cerbo gx could get the information from the Victron Smart Battery Sense

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xsilvergs avatar image
xsilvergs answered ·

Does the Smart Battery Sense show up on Modbus?

I use the Modbus-Read node to read most Victron devices in my setup, MPPT's, BMV and Phoenix Inverter. Using the Moxbus read node opposed to the Victron nodes avoids the loss of connection after a reboot.

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The Smart Battery Sense uses bluetooth advertisements to broadcast its data. There is no service receiving those on the GX device, making them impossible to use in Node-RED.

But your other remark interests me. Afaik the loss of connection after a reboot has been solved a long time ago in the regular nodes. In what scenario do you encounter this and on reboot of which device? The GX or the connected device?

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xsilvergs avatar image xsilvergs Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
I still suffer loss of connection after rebooting if I use the Victron Nodes, so for nearly every device I now use a Modbus Read Node.

I can't get my ET112 to work with Modbus Read Node so occasionally that disapears from NR, a smallprice to pay.

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