
davidfowler2000 avatar image
davidfowler2000 asked

Orion-TR Smart 12|12-30 Inrush Current

I have the above mentioned DC-DC charger installed in a camping trailer (tiny pod caravan) with 12V coming from the car through the towing electrics.

The problem I am having is that it is causing issues with the car's electrics with the inrush current at initial charge start. The car's constant 12V is fed off the main wiring loom with a 15A fuse although the fusebox can supply up to 60A total so the first I noticed an issue was that the 15A blew. When I installed a bigger fuse to test I got the charger to work again but it's causing the following problem...

When the charger sees the car start with alternator sensing it engages the charge and with a clamp meter on the input cabling goes to about 42A. This massive current draw drags the input voltage down to about 8V where the charger automatically cuts out. Once the voltage rises it cuts back in and keeps repeating.

If I disable the alternator sensing or adjust the cutout voltages, the initial spike of 40+ amps on the input settles down to a more agreeable 10A and the input voltage holds steady at around 13.5V. I'd rather not have the alternator sense disabled though.

Does anyone have any suggestions of what I can do to reduce the inrush current or at least set the charger in such away that it doesn't cut out during the initial spike so that it can settle down to 10A before it wants to cut out?

orion dc-dc
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


You realise a 12/12 30A can draw 30A continuously from the alternator? I am not surprised the 15A is blowing....

What size wiring do you have installed from the battery to the fuse box then also to the dc to dc?

The manual recommended fuse is much larger at 60A. Ideally even a 40A would be better.

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davidfowler2000 avatar image davidfowler2000 commented ·

The wiring in the car is all factory including the 15A fuse. Not sure of the exact size of the wiring (I'm not near the car or trailer to check) but looking at it, it looks the same as in the trailer which was chosen to handle 40A continuous. The cargo bay fusebox in the car has a 60A feed and I will get a 45A fuse for it next time I get to a parts store. I tried a 30A fuse to test and it coped even with that.

All the wiring in the car and trailer should cope with the continuous 30A current but it's during the initial startup when it draws extra current that it pulls the voltage below the cutoff threshold.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ davidfowler2000 commented ·
Might be worth looking at what's on the load side of the Orion to see if there's a way to reduce the inrush by turning off unnecessary loads.
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