
Fra avatar image
Fra asked

Are Phoenix inverter HF or LF?

Hello, I'm a bit confused by the naming of Phoenix inverters.

Victron calls them hybrid high-frequency technology.

but I know that they weigh much more than high frequency inverters and have a real big toroidal transformer.

Can anyone clarify for me?

I believe victron only make one type of High Frequency Inverter and they are the Rs models.

In fact they weigh much less than the Phoenix models.

Thank you

Phoenix Inverter
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1 Answer
mvas avatar image
mvas answered ·

This ...
Clear states, Toroidal Transformer.
Yes, the PWM is High Frequency.

Generic terms like "HF" & "LF" can be abused by the manufacturer.
So, Victron invents a new term ... hybrid high-frequency technology.
Which then confuses everybody.

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Fra avatar image Fra commented ·
OK thank you.
for those who don't know much about electronics like me, the nomenclature used by the manufacturers is a bit confusing.

those few who specify it
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