
necik avatar image
necik asked

Two Victron Orions in a Fiat Ducato?


I have a Fiat Ducato with a 2.3 engine from 2020 and I converting it into a motorhome. I will install two 200 Ah LifePo4 batteries in the car. Can I install two Victron Orion 30 A DC-DC chargers in my car? Will 60A total charge be too much for my stock alternator? Won't the alternator be put under more stress and fail faster?

How to connect two Victron Orion chargers in parallel? Do I need to install two positive and two negative wires from the alternator to the Victron Orion charger, or one heavy positive and one heavy negative wire split between the two chargers?

orion dc-dc
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Look at the information plate on the alternator. Amps output is or should be listed there.

Try testing with the stock or normals loads, all accessories like headlights on main beams, lights and air con etc on everything maxed, see the draw. And work from there.

And yes. Two orions means wires each fused etc. They don't communicate with each other. High chances are 2x30A is too much.

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