
thobec avatar image
thobec asked

Wrong values in VRM with AC coupled PV inverter


I have a grid connected ESS with the following components

  • 3x MultiPlus-II 48/5000/70-48
  • 20kWh Pytes e-box 48100
  • CerboGX (Venus OS v3.00)
  • 2x SmartSolar MPPT 250/100
  • Fonius Symo 8.0 (on ACout)

This system was running without any issues. Now I added a second AC coupled inverter on the ACin side (Fronius Symo 10.0). I configured the inverter position in the CerboGX to "ACin".

The inverter is shown in the list but not in the graphical overview on the CerboGX.

On the VRM the inverter on the ACin position is not shown too.


Additionally many values shown in the VRM seems to be wrong. I just quickly checked the Solar and Consumption values from the Historical data.

The VRM device list show both inverters with the correct position.


I already tried CerboGX, Inverter reboots and re-configuring the position without any success.

Anyone any idea what I have done wrong?

I am happy to here any hint or suggestion from you.


VRMAC PV Coupling
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2 Answers
slapjack avatar image
slapjack answered ·

Hey, i recently noticed the same thing and am really confused why or how this happens. Unfortunately i have no idea eiher. This is my config i have. The positions are corret. The AC PV inverter id a solar edge. The DC are MPPT from Victron:


This is my Solar Yield and my Consumption and it just makes no sense. My Batterie never was this low and there is no way i used thos ammount of energy in a day. It seems like the EM24 is either not measuring correct or there is something wrong with the data transfer.


My guess is that there is something wrong with the grid measurement, but i can't verify it yet. I'm gonna check the grid meters of the power company for the nexr few days to see if the to grid value is correct.

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simra avatar image
simra answered ·

Hi Community,

even, if this is an old thread, I have the same issues on my system.

My Config is Cerbo GX (with latest Venus 3.34) with EM24 as Gridmeter, 3ph MultiPLus2/3000/48 as ESS without any load on MP2-AC-Out.I have no additional DV-Pv inverter. The AC-PV-Inverters are connectet in parallel to the MP2.

The AC-PV-Inverters are included with the openDTU<>dbus "plugin":

There are 4 different PV-Inverters and the total value of PV is matching the reallity.


But the calculation on AC-Load is wrong, as you can see below:


If I have 2164W input power of PV, and the batterie charging with 1589W and the Gridmeter counts 5W, the AC-Load should be around 570W.

As this is an old problem, I do not have hope, that it will be solved in further release..

Thanks & BR / Simon

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