
logic28 avatar image
logic28 asked

Lynx System & Carbon conductive Paste

I am in the final assembling of all my Lynx devices before running the cables and I'm not sure if I should use carbon conductive paste both at the bus bars junctions and/or on the fuses' faces.

Any help from you guys is greatly appreciated

lynx shunt
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
I would say that if it was needed, the manual would tell you.

Probably not a good idea.

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2 Answers
logic28 avatar image
logic28 answered ·


I'm not happy with the poor and uneven finish of the Lynk's bus bars, they are not machined flat enough to offer good contact with each other nor with the fuses and I've heard several complaints of units heating up excessively so I thought it would indeed be a good idea.

I'd just like to know if anyone has used it

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janieronen avatar image janieronen commented ·
All Lynx busbars I have seen have had good surface. On top soft coating layer may have some uneven spots but these can be cleaned with file. Don't take too much material to avoid exposing copper.
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janieronen avatar image
janieronen answered ·

It's better to not add anything between contacts. If something clean with very fine file / sandpaper and wipe with clean solvent (alcohol/IPA) and immediately attach. With coated surfaces as Lynx and fuses that is not so important but open copper joints it's very important.

In some rare exceptions you can add non conducting vaseline externally to cover contacts after tightening. That can protect metal from moisture/salt/fumes etc.

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logic28 avatar image logic28 commented ·

"If something clean with very fine file/sandpaper" . . . as an engineer I would never do that in the proximity of electronics but most importantly I would not be able to guarantee a perfectly flat surface nor could anybody else. Besides the bus burs appear to be plated so it's a no-no-go on that score.

All lithium battery bus burs are carefully cleaned and coated with this very expensive conductive paste, I have seen resistance tests showing great improvement.

Yes, I have also got the conductive/ insulating grease to lay on top after the connection is made and torqued.

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Related Resources

Lynx Shunt VE Can online manual

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