
dinkel5110 avatar image
dinkel5110 asked

Multiplus 2 GX error "wait..." in the display

Hello community,

we operate a 1-phase ESS with JaSolar modules (410Wp) in two strings with north-east (8) and south-west (6) orientation following components:

1x MultiPlus2 GX 5000

1x MPPT 450/100

14x JaSolar module 410Wp

1x EM24 as a network meter

2x Pylontech US3000C

The system was already completely installed, briefly tested and was fully functional. (everything was displayed correctly in the vrm) The next step is the acceptance of the electricity provider, but this is still a long time coming.

The system was switched on for a further test of the system, since then the following error has occurred. The MP2 GX starts up as usual but freezes with the message ''Wait...'' on the display. (see pictures). This does not impair the function of the MP2 in any way, consumers continue to be supplied with power. Only in the vrm or in the remote console is the MP2 no longer accessible.

What has been done so far:

--> Checking & replacing the network cable on the MP2

--> Restart the MP2 and all other components

--> Access via VEConfigure and reinstall the config file (changes are still possible)

Who can help here? What further steps would you take to fix the error? Has anyone encountered the same error?

Thanks for the help & have a nice weekend




display-1.jpg (13.8 KiB)
display-2.jpg (12.4 KiB)
vrm-1.png (12.4 KiB)
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vaclavprojektant avatar image vaclavprojektant commented ·

Hi did you solved the problem? How? The same problem with my ES 3000/48

Thanks Vaclav

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6 Answers
denny969 avatar image
denny969 answered ·

Did you mage to fix this problem?

Same problem with GX on EasySolar 48/3000 screen stuck with "Wait..." after problem with Ethernet on site.

System was working for 7 months with no problem. Now unable to connect with GX. GX even stoped making WiFi access point.


1x EasySolar II 48/3000 GX

2x Multiplus II 48/3000

2x Pylontech US5000

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vaclavprojektant avatar image vaclavprojektant commented ·

Hi did you solved the problem? How? The same problem with my ES 3000/48

Thanks Vaclav

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sciemniarka avatar image
sciemniarka answered ·

Hello, I have exactly the same issue. Have you managed to resolve it?


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vaclavprojektant avatar image vaclavprojektant commented ·

Hi did you solved the problem? How? The same problem with my ES 3000/48

Thanks Vaclav

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Might be a stuck update. If you can't connect with Bluetooth, use an MK3 to USB adapter, VE Connect and update the software/firmware.

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tklaos avatar image tklaos commented ·
It didnt help, what we could do more?
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tklaos avatar image
tklaos answered ·

I have same problem, how did you solve it?
Also it doesnt send data to internet....

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Chris avatar image
Chris answered ·

Had identical issue. Unit was only a few weeks old and hardly used, only for setup and testing.
Reflashed firmwares on the Multi II (with the MK3) and attempted the GX update / repair via USB flash drive to no avail

Effectively the GX is labotomised
The worry is - that the battery and charge controller are no longer managed then by the GX. So, potentially this could damage the battery if over discharged (relying on the Multi voltage / battery protection config).

The WHOLE UNIT had to be shipped off to Victrons UK service agent for 'repair' and after over 2 months... was returned to us.
We had to purchase another unit to keep us up and running.

Its now looking VERY LIKE, the unit we had to buy to see us through, has now had the same issue.

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mikko-blomqvist avatar image
mikko-blomqvist answered ·

I have Victron EasySolar-II GX. First it's screen was 'black' and EasySolsr component was not visible via bluetooth. After restarting unit screen now works but says "wait..." which does not go away and inverter does not give power. How I can get it starting and working normally? I do not find instructions from the user guide for this. I need power back. Please help.

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