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workavoidance asked

Blue Power IP22 Charger 12/30 - (NOT SMART) - LEDS not working

Hi all,

I have a Blue Power IP22 Charger 12/30/3 (Not the smart version) and while it seems to be mostly working, the LEDs don't work correctly. The only LED that works is the Lithium mode light. The reason I suspect it works correctly is that it charges the batteries, and when I press the MODE button, the voltage output also changes - even though it doesn't show changes in the lights.

I've also notice that if I press the MODE button for 5-6 times it will cycle though all the other modes before returning to Lithium and lighting up correctly.

What I would really love to know is, when you press the MODE button, what is the order of modes it will cycle through. If I know that 100% then I can ignore the faulty LEDs and have the device in the correct settings.

Can anyone tell me?

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