
lawrence-craig avatar image
lawrence-craig asked

Remote command for changing Multiplus state

Hi all.

I have a Multiplus connected to my RPi running VenusOS. I am able to control the Multiplus state using VRM and the remote console.

However, I am wondering if there is somehow I can send a command to the RPi to change the state of the Multiplus (e.g. On, Inverter Only, Charger Only, Off) using a programmed shortcut. For example, by pressing a button/shortcut on my iPhone, I can turn the invertor on or off.

I was wondering if this is possible by SignalK, MQQT, SSH, HTML5 etc.

Can anyone point me in the right direction if possible/done before? Thanks.

Multiplus-IIVenus OSmultiple inverters
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3 Answers
derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

You can read and change the switch position via victron nodes, found on the victron node pallet, which is part of node red in Venus os. You can install the dashboard pallet in node red which will give you the ability to add a dashboard switch, enabling you to control the inverter from the dashboard.

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lawrence-craig avatar image lawrence-craig commented ·
This was great advice, thank you. Now have it working with Apple Shortcuts using an HTTP response node tied to a control node.
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derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

Os large with node red dashboard

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lawrence-craig avatar image lawrence-craig commented ·
I have VenusOS large with Node Red. Can you expand on this?
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Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

Or you can run a python script, using VE-Bus hex commands.

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