
mselu08 avatar image
mselu08 asked

installing smart shunt

I will be installing a SmartShunt 500 on my travel trailer. No room in battery box, so am going to install in a small waterproof Junction box.. how much heat will the shunt generate.

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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

What current will it have to handle. It is rated for 500A with a 50mV voltage drop so at full power it will need to dissipate 500 x 0.05 = 25W which is quite a lot. It is easy to calc figures for other current s.

100A gives 0.01V = 1W

200A gives 0.02V = 4W

300A gives 0.03V = 9W

400A gives 0.04V = 16W

500A gives 0.05V = 25W

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