
rkforce avatar image
rkforce asked

Smart Shunt 500 Amp Red Wire Spring not working

While moving my LIFPO batteries to the inside of my travel trailer, the red wire broke off in the VBatt+ hole. I was able to get it out, but in the process I apparently damaged the inside connection. The new red wire end goes in all the way, and the spring does not engage to hole the wire in place. Is there any way to fix or replace this part of the shunt? I have never used the Aux port, so I could connect there, but I assume this would not work well with the lithium batteries.

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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Unfortunately there is no way to replace that part on the smart shunt. as the wire is used to power the shunt , you cant use the aux connection, as far as i am aware

you could try cutting it away and soldering a wire direct to it.

or return it to your supplier as he maybe bale to help out with a warranty claim, discuss this with them first

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