
twilson1951 avatar image
twilson1951 asked

Do you unplug the Smart Shunt if batteries aren't going to be used for 2-3 months?

We only use our cart every 2-3 months since it is at our vacation home. If you do disconnect the Smart Shunt, what is the best wy to do it?

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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Disconnect the red lead. You can do it by the battery or by the ferrule pin. Then it won't draw power.

Make sure you have the battery SOC on reset to be kept if you eant it to co tinue where it keft off. Or you can have it set to clear so it charges/tops up to full before showing an SOC.

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twilson1951 avatar image
twilson1951 answered ·

Thank you! Do you find that the shunt significantly drains down the batteries when hooked up for 2-3 months without recharging?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Its consumption is less than a 1mA.

Or 1000th of an amp...

There is a calculator
here since the math can break the brain.

On a 12v system that is 0.288Wh per day. So will take a pretty long time to drain the battery.

1kWh is 83 330 mAh.... How large is your bank?

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twilson1951 avatar image twilson1951 Alexandra ♦ commented ·

48v x 60Ah

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ twilson1951 commented ·

2.8 kwh bank.

Is it lead acid? Its self discharge would be higher than the draw of the shunt.

103.68 wh in 3 months.

103.68 ÷ 2800wh = 0.036% of your battery bank capacity used.... I wouldn't stress about it.

If your battery is lifepo4, then it is likely the bms would shut down first as well in protection.

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twilson1951 avatar image twilson1951 Alexandra ♦ commented ·
We have new Dakota lithium batteries. I just had them installed and didn't have any time to check them out before we left to come home. We won't be back for about 4 weeks and was concerned that the shunt might drain them down. Your help is much appreciated. Thanks!
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