
Robert M.O. Seidel avatar image
Robert M.O. Seidel asked

Multi 24/2500/70. The red LED for Battery Low lights up. The batteries are ok.

On a boat, I found a Multi 24/2500/70. The red LED for Battery Low lights up. The batteries are ok. 26.4v and in good condition. Certainly, has done some service for a few years. Turn on shore power and turn it "on" first green "Main", then additionally yellow for bulk and then it switches to Battery Low. All connections and fuses ok and correct. When shore power is off, the inverter works flawlessly. My question too; should not one replace with a newer model which is also ve bus capable?
Phoenix Inverter
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Robert M.O. Seidel avatar image Robert M.O. Seidel commented ·

Can it be that the devices say goodbye or age after some time in this way?

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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

No they dont age in that way. more likly is that the voltage referance cable is faulty or not connected , check the referance wire from the multi to the battery and replace or repair.

see if this helps

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