
robkhoo avatar image
robkhoo asked

SmartShunt issue

Connected SmartShunt directly to negative battery out correctly as I have another system using the same shunt. However the shunt SOC readings are incorrect. I fully charged my lithium 200Ah battery bank before putting it in my RV. Then I drained the lithium down to 11V by disconnecting my solar input until the inverter shut off. I plugged the solar power back in and can see Voltage and Amperage coming through SmartSolar 100/30 controller. The voltage at the charge controller battery terminals are the same at the leads going to the battery - I disconnected the leads to be certain. When I reconnected all the wires, the SmartShunt on VictronConnect shows no current going to the battery. I checked all the wiring and all of them are in continuity and the Shunt is correctly wired. I suspect the SmartShunt is defective as it never indicates charging activity. Any thoughts?

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5 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The power from the mppt is going straight to the loads/inverter?

Assuming that there have been no weird settings changed.... And zero current it ok...

Have you tested the setup with just the mppt through the shunt and nothing else connected.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

Is you charger controller negative should be connected to the system side of the shunt? If it is connected to the battery negative that would explain why the shunt isn't seeing the charge current.

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robkhoo avatar image
robkhoo answered ·

MPPT battery out to battery, then leads from battery to inverter with the negative lead carrying the SmartShunt.

I am not sure how to connect the MPPT through the shunt.

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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell commented ·
The MPPT negative must be connected to the load or system side of the shunt. The battery connection to the chassis ground should also be connected to the load / system side of the shunt. The only connection to the negative battery terminal should be the shunt, the only connection to the battery side of the shunt should be the battery. If anything else connects to the battery negative then the shunt can not count the current.
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robkhoo avatar image
robkhoo answered ·

@Kevin Windrem charge controller negative goes directly to the battery. The SmartShunt is only connected to negative battery lead going to the inverter.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·

That is not correct since the shunt will not be able to measure your charging current.

The ONLY thing that connects to the battery side of the shunt is the battery negative. Nothing including chassis connections should go directly to the battery. Everything else (all loads, all charging sources, chassis) goes to the system/load side if the shunt.

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robkhoo avatar image
robkhoo answered ·

I discovered my error. Although the shunt waswired to the inverter from that load minus bolt, I should connected the load minus from the shunt to the negative battery line to the Solar charge controller. When I did the wiring correctly, the SmartShunt worked and acknowledges incoming solar energy to the battery.

thank you all.

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