
ukxan avatar image
ukxan asked

Smartshunt accuracy?

Pylontech battery is charged to 100% but smartshunt shows lower value?

I have followed the victron guidelines re values to set in ESS

Victron & Pylontech UP2500, US2000, US3000, US2000C, US3000C, US5000, US5000B, UP5000, Phantom-S, Force-L1 & L2 [Victron Energy]

Any ideas please?





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9 Answers
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

Hi @ukXan,

Do you mind sharing your smart shunt settings. My guess would be it's the efficiency and peukert exponent setting within smart shunt.

I'm not familiar with Pylontech batteries but you may be able to change the battery monitor in venus/cerbo gx to use pylontech and not the smart shunt

(someone please correct me on this if that's not a feature of BMS communication). If it is a feature my guess is that it would be in settings->system setup->battery monitor

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snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

In addition to 1.05 Peukert, set

  1. charge efficiency to 99%.
  2. Tail current to 6% as 5% is typically fully charged for LFP.
  3. Use VRM to find peak battery voltage (dictated by PylonTech BMS) and set charged voltage to 0.2V below that.

If it fails to sync within a few days, manually sync it to 100% when the BMS indicates 100% and see how it tracks.

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ukxan avatar image ukxan commented ·

Thanks,do you also use PylonTech batteries?

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snoobler avatar image snoobler ukxan commented ·

No, but I've assisted in troubleshooting Victron/Pylontech systems, and I have my own custom DIY battery and BMS with a BMV-702 where I've had to "massage" the settings to get them right.

This isn't about the shunt being accurate. This is about the shunt being properly programmed for how the batteries are being charged.

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ukxan avatar image ukxan snoobler commented ·
Ok ,many thanks Ill give that a go and monitor it
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matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

Hi @ukXan,

Do you mind sharing your smart shunt settings. My guess would be it's the efficiency and peukert exponent setting within smart shunt.

I'm not familiar with Pylontech batteries but you may be able to change the battery monitor in venus/cerbo gx to use pylontech and not the smart shunt

(someone please correct me on this if that's not a feature of BMS communication). If it is a feature my guess is that it would be in settings->system setup->battery monitor

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ukxan avatar image
ukxan answered ·

Ive tried to change settings but it made no difference



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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


@matt1309 Is referring to the programming on the shunt itself not the settings in the GX.

You will need victron connect to see that over Bluetooth.

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ukxan avatar image
ukxan answered ·

Yes that has resolved it.

I adjusted it to 100%,thank you so much!



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matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

Hi @ukXan

Pylontech are lifepo4 batteries arent they?

If so I'd say your smart shunt settings aren't correct for that chemistry battery.

I would suggest a much lower peukert Exponent closer to 1.05 or lower.

Without this you might find the smartshunt has the same issue of only getting to 95% once discharged and recharged

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ukxan avatar image
ukxan answered ·

Many thanks,I'll do that and monitor the SOC.

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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell commented ·
Change the charge efficiency factor to 99% as others have said previously.
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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Even with better settings in the SmartShunt you will have differences between the Pylontech and the SmartShunt. That's because they work differently.

Why do you even have the SmartShunt in the system?

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ukxan avatar image ukxan commented ·
Thats the info I gathered from forums before setting up my system.

Should I remove it then..

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snoobler avatar image snoobler ukxan commented ·
It is technically not needed since the systems is using the Pylontech data.

I have a BMV-702 because I had it before I went to Lithium. No need to remove it, and I like to see the correlation between current measurements.

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ukxan avatar image ukxan commented ·
So,is it safe then to remove the smartshunt from the system
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matt1309 avatar image matt1309 ukxan commented ·

Yes it's safe to remove.

What the above people are saying is you currently have two soruces of battery information. The smart shunt and pylontech. I cant see any issue with leaving it in or taking it out. As Snoobler said it's sometimes nice to see the difference in measurements.

However if you are leaving smart shunt in and using it you'll need to make sure the settings are correct for your battery chemistry if you want accurate readings. Whereas pylontech data will already have those settings configured internally within pylontech bms/systems.

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ukxan avatar image ukxan matt1309 commented ·
Thanks,I ll rely on the pylontech BMS then

Smartshunt out!

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