
steveplatzoeder avatar image
steveplatzoeder asked

Bluetooth Issue: Connect until 95%, then fail

Bluetooth connection issue in 2 of 3 devices:

I cannot connect to the following devices anymore:

- SmartSolar MPPT 100/30

- Smartshunt 500A

on my new Phone Nokia G11.

- Orion Tr Smart connects and works as normal (always)

- Pairing works on all 3 devices, but full connection only works on Orion, on SmartSolar and SmartShunt connection every time stops at 95%, tries three times and fails in the end (always).

What I tried: Disconnect and re-connect via VictronConnect app (several times). Deleted cache, uninstalled and re-installed VictronConnect app.

Do the devices have different software versions?

What can I do furthermore? Could you please help with that issue?

Best regards


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Thank you for attaching the service report. Unfortunately this did not immediately show what the cause is of the problem. When did the problems start to occur? Was this after switching to a new phone, after a VictronConnect update, after a firmware update, or perhaps something else?

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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steveplatzoeder avatar image steveplatzoeder Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) ♦ commented ·
Hi together,

are there any suggestions what I can do to investigate furthermore on this issue?

Kind regards


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Kai Squires avatar image Kai Squires commented ·

I think I may have this issue too, with a Samsung A03

Can Victron confirm this chipset also suffers from the 95% issue.

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9 Answers
steveplatzoeder avatar image
steveplatzoeder answered ·

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steveplatzoeder avatar image
steveplatzoeder answered ·

Hi Thiemo,

thank you for caring about this issue. Unfortunately I updated 2 of the three devices by using the old phone, just before trying the new phone.

Today there was another update for the Smartshunt again. I installed it, but makes no difference. My old phone still works with all devices, the new one won't, except on the Orion TR.

After removing all connections an connecting freshly with the new phone, the smarthub is shown in "my devices" correctly. When trying to connect, the process again gets stuck at 95% and times out.

I attached another service report, maybe it helps.

On my old phone I have frequently been asked to allow access to a "standard USB device" in a popup window. On my new phone this never happened. Perhaps a hint to something...

Kind regards



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Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) avatar image
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) answered ·


We were able to reproduce the issue and this phone has the same problem as mentioned in another post about a Samsung Galaxy Tab A8: the phone does not follow the Bluetooth specification. We are still investigating whether we can circumvent the problem in firmware or in VictronConnect.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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steveplatzoeder avatar image
steveplatzoeder answered ·

Hi Thiemo,

thank you for informing us. Please keep us posted on any positive outcomes. Just to add, the Orion TR with current firmware works with this phone without any problem, so maybe you could have a look on how it is done there.

Best regards


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steveplatzoeder avatar image
steveplatzoeder answered ·

Hi Thiemo,

are there any news concerning the bluetooth connection issue?

Best regards


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Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) avatar image
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) answered ·


The latest beta of VictronConnect contains a fix for this issue. This can be downloaded here: When this is installed, I am not sure whether it will automatically be updated when a new version is released via the Play Store so be aware of that. This fix will of course also be included in the next official release, but I have no idea when this will be available in the Play Store.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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steveplatzoeder avatar image steveplatzoeder commented ·
Hi Thiemo,

thank you for your efforts. I will try the beta and post the result here.

Kind regards


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steveplatzoeder avatar image steveplatzoeder commented ·
Hi together,

just to give feedback: The beta works with Nokia G11. Thanks to the Victron team!

Best regards


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alfilfo avatar image
alfilfo answered ·

Hi @Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff)

Identical issue with my new Nokia T10 8" tablet and a Smartsolar Mppt 100/20. I have done the same tests with the same results. Bluetooth connect until 95%, then fail.

It would be appreciated if you could review it for future updates

Best regards.

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Hi @alfilfo

This likely has the same problem as the Nokia G11 and the Samsung Tab A8 as it uses the same chipset. To be able to apply the same fix for this model, we need a Service Report. Can you create one and then append it here to a comment? The procedure to create a service report can be found here:

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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alfilfo avatar image alfilfo Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) ♦ commented ·

Hi @Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff)

- Workin fine in SmartSolar MPPT 150/35

- Fail in SmartSolar MPPT 150/70 - Tr

- Fail in Smat Solar MPPT 100/20

Hope this can help.

Kind regards.


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Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) avatar image Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) ♦ alfilfo commented ·

Hi @alfilfo

Thank you for the service report. We just released a new version (v5.94) which does not yet contain a fix for this tablet, but a next version will.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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alfilfo avatar image alfilfo Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) ♦ commented ·

Hi @Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff)

After the update to version 5.95 everything is working correctly.

Thank you so much.

Kind regards.


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alfilfo avatar image alfilfo Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) ♦ commented ·

Hi @Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff)

I really appreciate your interest in the issue and the quick response you've had. I look forward to the new version where the solution will be.

Thank you for your help and dedication. Thank you so much.

Kind regards.


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tighernan avatar image
tighernan answered ·

I'm also having the same issue, samsung S10, bluetooth light is staying on, message saying a device is already connected. There is no other device's nearby, plus I get the same message even if my phone bluetooth is turned off.

1 comment
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seb71 avatar image seb71 commented ·

plus I get the same message even if my phone bluetooth is turned off.

How do you get any message with the Bluetooth turned off?

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kavitama avatar image
kavitama answered ·


I am experiencing the same issue but with the following devices:

- my phone is a Motorola G20 with Android 11 (Build RTAS31.68-66-3)

- SmartBMV - BMV-712 Smart(48v)

- VE.Direct.Smart (the bluetooth external dongle) connected to an MPPT 150/35 (48v)

I can access the SmartBMV without any problem but when I try to access the MPPT via the bluetooth dongle I get till 95% and then it retries 2 more times ending with "not possible to connect"

I bet the problem is in the bluetooth of my phone since with another phone I can access with no problem to both devices: any chance you can tell me if it could be solved?

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Hi @kavitama

The Motorola G20 contains the problematic UNISOC T series processor. We will implement a workaround in a future VictronConnect.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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kavitama avatar image kavitama Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) ♦ commented ·
Thank you Thiemo.

Same is happening with an old Motorola G4: same reason ?

By the way, any ETA on the workaround?

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Hi @kavitama

The Motorola G4 has a different cpu so it should not suffer from this problem. So maybe it is another problem. What you could try is temporarily disconnect the external dongle for 10 seconds and then plug it back in.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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kavitama avatar image kavitama Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) ♦ commented ·

Hi again Thiemo, I was able for a while to use the Motorola G4 until a couple of days ago where the VictronApp was unable to even see the two devices.

The only difference is that now it is also connected to a Bluetooth wireless headphones.

Devices can be see by Bluetooth but not by the app, this is what I tried with no result:

- remove all the devices from the Bluetooth and try with the app

- connect via Bluetooth again the two devices (not the headphone) and then try with the VIctronApp

- Connect only from the VictronApp

in any case the result is that the VictroApp is unable to see the two Victron device

Any suggestion?

Is there any ETA for the "problematic UNISOC T series processor" of my other Motorola G20, so that I can use it instead of the old G4 ?

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Hi @kavitama

The good news hopefully is that the UNISOC workaround is included in VictronConnect v6.05 so that version should work on the Motorola G20.

Then the G4. Can you please create a service report after scanning for while when the devices are not visible?

Can you then also check whether the products are visible in an app from Nordic Semiconductors:

Perhaps it is not immediately whether they are visible in the app, but then please create some screen shots and post them here.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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kavitama avatar image kavitama Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) ♦ commented ·
The installation of the nRF Connect solved the issue with the G4, meaning after nRF was installed VictronApp started to see the devices again.

On the G20 I tried the following:

- removing the devices from Bluetooth

- installing nRF (which sees them as well as the Bluetooth app)

- disconnecting the Direct Smart for more than 10 seconds as per your previous suggestion

- pairing again the two devices from the VictronApp

In any case the result is the same the DirectSmart is trying up to 95% then fails

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Hi @kavitama

Can you create a service report ( after trying to connect and post that here in a reply?

This might give some more information on what is going wrong.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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kavitama avatar image kavitama Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) ♦ commented ·
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Hi @kavitama

Thank you for the service report as it was very helpful.

Unfortunately, our generic detection does not work because the G20 behaves just a bit different from other UNISOC equipped phones. We will add the workaround also for this phone to a future VictronConnect.

With kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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