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houser asked

Possible to see LiFePo battery heating via Can.bus?

Will it or is it already possible to see if LiFePo battery heating via Can.bus?

As it is now both the Victron integration and VRM will incorrectly report charging when a can bus battery is actually heating, as I assume the battery will report heating as charging, as it is drawing a current for heating via PV and this confuses the reporting in VRM.

It would appear that the Victron system node can currently only report idle/charge/discharge of the the "Can-bus BMS battery" as it is now as far as I can tell. I did find a new function in the BMV node that reports "number of nodes blocking discharge" but so far not seeing anything usable from that.

I guess my question is if this is a feature request for Victron or if I should ask my battery developer to add new messages from the "Can-bus BMS battery" when it is heating that I can then use in Node red for GUI reporting. Any advice appreciated!

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