
chris-creative-living-spaces avatar image
chris-creative-living-spaces asked

Is their a 3 phase energy meter alternative as there is no em24 availability at the moment

  • I have just installed a 3 phase ESS system with 3 quattro 8000's on a 100 amp supply and found it impossible to get hold of a Em24 or alternative to use with CT clamps.. Carlo Gavazzi UK told me today it would probably be April by time they have the parts and have started shipping them..!(That is a long time to wait!) No one has any thing in stock...Is their an alternative or is it possible to make another meter work for 3 phase victron users?
Energy Meter3 phaseem24support
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6 Answers
pedaaa avatar image
pedaaa answered ·
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daniel-feist avatar image
daniel-feist answered ·

Take a look at this thread: It seems it may have been discontinued.

That said, there are 4 other EM330/EM530 Carlo Gavazzi meters that are suitable, and if none of these is available then why not use the ABB meter which is now supported by Venus OS instead?,-b23-and-b24-energy-meter.html#UUID-9f6c7723-6fa3-d505-60c9-b82edc10f60f

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chris-creative-living-spaces avatar image chris-creative-living-spaces commented ·

Thanks for your reply but it seams all the compatible 3 phase meters that are on the victron list are not available in the uk at the moment for what ever reason...

Spent a long time looking now...

Going to call ABB tomorrow to see what they have to say!

No availability of




Or ABB - B24 silver...!

Any more ideas on how I can get my system running would be appreciated.. Thanks

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daniel-feist avatar image daniel-feist chris-creative-living-spaces commented ·

I'll need to order one of too in a month or two, but if I had to order one today I'd place an order here:

Yes, it's Germany, but they deliver to the UK and the price is fairly good, even if DHL do bill you VAT when it arrives.

Alternatively, Rexel reckon they have them in 12 days, worth giving them a call though

Let me know who has them once you've ordered one so I can order one too! I'm planning a 3-phase system with 3 x Multiplus 5VA. Downstream from Victron is only 50A/phase, but upstream I have car charger(s) so prefer the CT-clamp version of a meter if possible.

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chris-creative-living-spaces avatar image chris-creative-living-spaces daniel-feist commented ·
Ok thanks for that I'll look I to it...
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rainerwoll avatar image
rainerwoll answered ·

You can use a Shelly 3EM and integrate it via LAN and Its not offical supportet, but it runs good.
I have it installted in 3 ESS systems since yet.

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daniel-feist avatar image
daniel-feist answered ·

So, regarding the ABB B24 meter, Victron say:

Note that the 'Steel' versions are not supported as they do not allow measurement of reverse energy, making it impossible to see sold energy. Charts and 
counters on VRM will not display correctly with a Steel meter. Make sure the 
meter you're purchasing is of the Silver (or better) designation and has 
Modbus RS485.


This makes sense as the "Steel" version (B24 112-100) only has "active" energy and not "import/export" while the officially supported "Silver" version (B24 352-100) has "reactive" and "import/export".

But, ABB also has a "Bronze" version (B24 212-100), which seems to be readily available in the U.K. (unlike the recommended silver version).

The "Bronze" model isn't technically better than "Silver", but it does have "import/export" and the required RS485 interface. So, IMO there is a high chance that this meter would also be suitable for those requiring a 100A 3-phase meter for use with current transformers. Does anyone have any idea how to confirm this for sure?


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johnsawyer avatar image
johnsawyer answered ·

Hi All

There is currently no supply issue with any of the ABB meters. They do stock them in the UK and if they dont have it - lead times are like 3/4 weeks max

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daniel-feist avatar image daniel-feist commented ·

No one has stock of the Victron-recommend "silver" version and the back-order date at RS is 20/03/2023. The "bronze" version is available, which was why I was trying to confirm its suitability, given it's not specifically detailed by Victron.

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johnsawyer avatar image johnsawyer daniel-feist commented ·
I saw the same - spoke to abb directly they were able to source it a lot quicker.
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daniel-feist avatar image daniel-feist johnsawyer commented ·

Do they sell direct? Online/phone? Which did you buy? Silver or Bronze? Silver looks unnecessary and additional cost.

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sean avatar image
sean answered ·

I purchased three, all new for less than £50 each last week, I've a feeling there's a couple still listed.

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johnsawyer avatar image johnsawyer commented ·
Nice! Was it from RS?
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Related Resources

Parallel, split- and three phase VE.Bus systems manual 

Theory on wiring large systems PDF

Three-phase and parallel system theory training presentation

Three-phase & Parallel installation training video

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Energy Meter Manual EM24 RS485

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Victron - Where to buy - Authorised Installers, Sales and Distribution

Warranty and Repairs.

Energy Meter Selection Guide