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editbear asked

ESS in permanent Pass-Thru after firmware upgrade


Is the Energy Meter Dual Role 'Grid + PV Inverter' missing in CCGX v2.92 firmware?

I have a five-year-old single phase 2.7KW ESS with two Solis-Mini Grid-tie inverters, a MultiPlus Compact 1200, lead acid batteries and a CCGX.

The energy meter is an EM24 with the Grid wired to the phase 1 input (L1) and the PV inverters on phase 2 (L2).

The system pre-dates ESS because there is a 'Hub-4' section in the CCGX settings.

In firmware v1.74 the EM24 could be set within 'Wired AC sensors', to a dual Role 'Grid Meter + PV inverter'

Having upgraded to either v2.18 or v2.92, the EM24 is now in 'Energy meters', but has only a Single Role as Grid Meter or PV inverter.

I have set it as 'Grid Meter' and switched 'PV inverter on phase 2' to ON and 'PV inverter on phase 2 position' to 'AC input 1'

I cannot get the EM24 to appear in the Device List and without any Grid or PV Energy readings, my system is now in permanent 'Pass-Thru' state.

My MultiPlus firmware is still 407, if I upgrade to 422 as recommended in the ESS manual, will the EM24 re-appear in Devices and could it then be set to a dual role?

Why do Victron now recommend using an ET340 rather than an EM24 when selecting a 3-phase meter for a single-phase installation to measure the grid on one input of the meter and the PV inverter output on another input of the energy meter?

Is it because the new firmware will not display a dual Role for the EM24, whereas it will for the ET340? I need to know before I purchase another meter.

ESSEnergy Meterem24
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

If you update one part of the system, you have to update all the firmware for all components. So start with that.

Make sure you reprogram the inverter correctly. Then move on to the meter.

I think the EM24 is just an old product and is being phased out or product support discontinued on the Gavazzi side.

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Related Resources

What is ESS training video

ESS Quick Installation Guide

ESS design and installation manual

Energy Meter Selection Guide

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Energy Meter Manual EM24 RS485