
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) asked

Venus OS v3.00~15 available for testing

Good evening!

Today we released v3.00~15 for testing. Highlights are:

  • add logging of generator runtime to VRM Portal (actual visualisation might still need work)
  • ESS: add support for all EM300 meters
  • ESS: add option to scheduled charging to allow discharging the battery (if SOC is below the configured minimum) while in the window; and more.
  • EV Charger: various features and fixes
  • Add support for Pylontech batteires having 16 cells in series (rather than usual 15 cells). Thank you Brian Finley!
  • Force good settings for Hubble batteries (DVCC on, STS off, SVS recommended off)


  • Lots of improvements concerning RV-C; to be detailed
  • Modbus-TCP: fix issue related to inverter/charger state vs ā€œext controlā€.

Iā€™ll add more detailes later, previous message is here:

Also Iā€™ll then go through all comments made in version v3.00~14.

All the best! Matthijs

Venus OS
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Good day all!

Later this weekend we'll start beta testing v2.93~2 available. That version contains a few fixes that have also been available in the v3.00 beta series. It does not include any new features or other improvements.

We'll be beta testing that for one or two weeks, then officially release v2.93, and then resume v3.00 beta testing.

Have a good weekend, Matthijs

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13 Answers
natteverf avatar image
natteverf answered Ā·

Raspberry Pi 3b+, when i am using Venus OS v3.00~15 stuff is missing in VRM and on the remote console, either the battery is missing or the PV Charger is showing 0W
I have switched back and forth between Venus OS v3.00~14 a few times to see if it is my imagination but now, it appears to be a "thing" with Venus OS v3.00~15

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Hi is this fixed in the latest release, v3.00~21?

If you still have the issue, please add some more details: what components are in your system?

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natteverf avatar image natteverf mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·

Hi. Sorry, I have reverted to Latest Release channel when i rebuilt.

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Andy avatar image
Andy answered Ā·

Hi All,

Cerbo GX running v3.00~15 breaks my smart BMS connection (Seplos via CAN). Remote Console and VRM neither showing battery nor MPPT any more.


The BMS still seems to deliver all data to the Cerbo.


MPPT connected via stops charging (error 67 BMS connection lost) and goes in Float Mode, acts as standalone device rather than external controlled.


Reverted back to ~14 and everything works again. Went back and forth between the two version and ~15 does break the BMS connection via CAN on my Cerbo.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented Ā·

You are running GuiMods and should not be reporting the issue here as this thread is only for bugs found when beta testing STOCK Victron code.

Before reporting an issue here, please uninstall all modifications. If the problem persists, then you can post here. Otherwise, post to the appropriate GitHub repo issue.

The trouble you are seeing where objects on the flow page do not fill in is fixed in v7.11 of GuiMods.There was a bug that prevented systemcalc from running which basically breaks the entire system. Not sure about the BMS thing but that could also be related to systemcalc not running.

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Andy avatar image Andy Kevin Windrem commented Ā·
Thanks @Kevin Windrem, I didn't know that this thread is only for STOCK code.

Also thanks for your great work!

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Andy avatar image Andy Andy commented Ā·
Confirmed all working with GuiMods 7.11 now. Thanks Kevin!
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satmaster200 avatar image satmaster200 commented Ā·


exactly the same issue as Andy here as well! Alltough Battery is connected via USB-Seriell and MPPT is connected via USB-Can to Raspi Pi4. Overview screen is ā€žemptyā€œ / ā€žbrokenā€œ exactly the same issue as Andys but data is still somehow sent, because visible on detail pages.

switching back to 3.14, and everything is working properly again.

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pau1phi11ips avatar image pau1phi11ips commented Ā·

It's generally a good idea to stick to the non-beta Venus releases of you're using GUI mods @Andy . The beta versions can introduce issues with the mod.

Nice one on the solar upgrade btw. I'll be very happy to have half the capacity of your system one day.

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Andy avatar image Andy pau1phi11ips commented Ā·

Thanks @pau1phi11ips, I tried uninstalling GUI mods but it would not allow me to.

I've plans to upgrade my solar even further. Still 300sqm unused roof space...

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Daniele Calabrese avatar image
Daniele Calabrese answered Ā·

same problem here I now switched to 2.92 cannot use 3.0 14.

1) my 2 relay are gone cannot see them on VRM and change them,

2) my ubs GPS is was showing as device and fix position yet the icon in the console was on and off and then

3) no HTML battery measurement so cannot see victron on raymarine

I switched back to 2.9.2 now that I depend on victron for remove location of the boat not on marina anumre need a stable system. and remove automatic update and update with candidate release

hope it helps

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Daniele Calabrese avatar image Daniele Calabrese commented Ā·

I am back at 2.92 and all is back online

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Hi Daniel, if you want a stable system, I recommend to change the Update to setting to official releases and disable auto-updates.
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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered Ā·

All working fine with a supported CAN battery. Remote update via VRM was seamless as well.

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Heriber Schutzeichel avatar image
Heriber Schutzeichel answered Ā·
Runs well with Rpi4 2x Can battery 4xTaico and 2xCernss
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ceriw avatar image
ceriw answered Ā·

I updated my system from v3.00~14 to v3.00~15, and now I seem to get "Installation too busy, realtime data link disabled" every time I open VRM.1674135020114.png Haven't noticed any other changes though.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Hi @Ceri.w did the installation too busy appear immediately after the update, and then go way? Or did it stay? Seems to have resolved itself by now?
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ceriw avatar image ceriw mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Morning, it appeared straight after the update, and evey time I opened VRM for about a week. It then started working normal again. I assumed you guys did some server side change. Been fine since.


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phil-garver avatar image
phil-garver answered Ā·
Also seeing same issue with the smart solar losing communication with BMS, error in logs for lynx atc atd lost, and portal too busy errors.
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Hi @Phil Garver , is this solved in v3.00~21 ?
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phil-garver avatar image phil-garver mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Seems to have been solved. Thank you!
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hummingbear avatar image
hummingbear answered Ā·

Trying to get some eyes on this issue as I've asked it a couple times over the past year with no response. I made this second post that I'm linking now on 2.92, but I'm still seeing the issue on 3.0

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered Ā·

Can't say for sure this is related to the -15 beta, but I have not noticed this behaviour before.

With a Freedom Won battery, at end of charge it sets CCL=0, usually this results in PV being ramped down and some loads serviced from the battery.

Now it briefly sends 8kW back to the grid (feed in is disabled), then ramps this down over a short period back to the grid setpoint.

Were there any changes that could result in this behaviour?

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·

Just to add, it looked like DVCC didnā€™t throttle the 3 MPPTā€™s and took some time to adjust their output.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ nickdb ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Hey @nickdb did you see this again?
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marco-lingua avatar image
marco-lingua answered Ā·

i updated to 3.00-15. Now I no longer see anything on the Cerbo display. I can't even enter and navigate the menu to do a firmware downgrade. Solutions?

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Hi @Marco Lingua did you resolve this?

and can it be that you were using guimods by Kevin Windrem?

(apologies for such late response!)

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herzigwi avatar image
herzigwi answered Ā·

I am using 3.00~15. When I now check for updates, it shows that VenusOs wants to update to v2.92.




And yes: There is a question mark, because battery is empty. Just ignore that.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
hi @herzigwi that happened back then because we had released v2.92. Its normal to be like that for a while in such situation.
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nishad avatar image
nishad answered Ā·

Where can I find the download link for 3.00 beta? I can't (for the life of me) find it. Thanks!

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented Ā·
It was taken down for the v2.93 beta. Once that is fully released v3.00 beta will go back up. Stand by
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Jannes Peschel avatar image Jannes Peschel commented Ā·
I can find 3.00 beta again now.
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nishad avatar image nishad Jannes Peschel commented Ā·


Looks like I almost found what I need. Full image, Large image (NodeRed), 3.00~18. But what is the difference between the two images? Thanks!

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ nishad commented Ā·
They are the same
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Gerardo avatar image
Gerardo answered Ā·

Venus OS v3.00~17 has been tested with 4x Pylontech RT12100G31 in series (16 cells - 51.2V nominal) working fine.

New feature added in DVCC showing the BMS controlling the system:


Looking forward to the official release.

Thank you!

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