
hummingbear avatar image
hummingbear asked

VRM instance ID randomly changing for Multiplus - VenusOS 2.92

I am running VenusOS on a RPi3 version 2.92
Edit: Now running VenusOS 3.0.0~14 and this issue still happened where it generated a new Instance ID for my vebus device.

I have a Multiplus II connected to my VenusOS device with a Victron Energy Interface MK3-USB (VE.Bus to USB) device.

It randomly (as far as I can tell) changes the instance ID from 290 to 291, and from 291 back to 290. It's a bit frustrating since I locally am using MQTT to query data from the device and will randomly have nothing.

Update, now it changed to 292.

I know there were issues resolved in v2.65 to handle this for ve-direct, but it seems it is still an issue on Vebus devices. Please let me know what additional information I can provide. If this is a duplicate and being tracked elsewhere please let me know. I was unable to find another post specific to this issue beyond 2.65


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8 Answers
peregrines avatar image
peregrines answered ·

I have the same problem :(

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hummingbear avatar image
hummingbear answered ·

This continues to happen, it's really frustrating. Would appreciate any response from victron.

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hummingbear avatar image
hummingbear answered ·

This issue still persists. I am on VenusOS 3.0.0~14 and my device now changed to a number I've never seen before. Why does this keep happening? Why aren't device IDs persisting?


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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi @hummingbear , yes I can see how this can happen.

Its not so easy to solve though. And only affects raspberrypi installs.

We will solve it eventually.

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hummingbear avatar image hummingbear commented ·

Thank you for the response. It's just nice to know it's on your radar. Are you able to give more detail on what's happening or point to an area in the repository? I'm happy to take a shot at solving it and put up a PR.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ hummingbear commented ·
The “vrm instance” is what makes the device unique on VRM. And for vebus/mk3 its tied to the USB id.

Code for that is closed source; sorry

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mr-manuel avatar image mr-manuel mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Would it be possible to pair the dbus instance id with the serial number of the device? Like if it registers once, that it "reserves" this ID for the device with the specific serial number? If the device is not seen for x days, that the reservation is canceled.
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ostwest avatar image ostwest mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
I understand, you need to have some stuff closed source.

Would it be possible to use USB- Symlinks to identify USB-devices instead of the normal way? So one could design symlinks and let Venus grab them for the VRM instance.

Or maybe, on the Remote Console let the user assign the VRM instance (on own risk).



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gexle avatar image
gexle answered ·


That's why it comes about that the same thing is displayed twice!
When you turn on the inverter/charger control!

The same thing is shown twice!


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peregrines avatar image peregrines commented ·
I have the same problem and it is really annoying :(
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ peregrines commented ·
Hi both; that double showing of the controls on VRM is indeed a side effect; but also a bug in VRM: it should not show controls for non-existing devices.

We’re working on fixing that in VRM.

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buchbichler avatar image
buchbichler answered ·

Same problem here. The workaround is working quite well, but a reboot script is no solution.

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stefan1967 avatar image
stefan1967 answered ·

I have the same problem. This makes node red programming very difficult and should be fixed as soon as possible by victron.

Also the not possible usage of the serial driver for 3rs party BMS if DC feed is on, is very awful and makes many users unhappy.

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peregrines avatar image
peregrines answered ·

Same problem here. I had to deal with changing ID´s about 4 times since last summer.
I also get confusing multiple entries under Live Controls :(
This is really annoying :(


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