
ondrej-svoboda avatar image
ondrej-svoboda asked

Dump battery into a grid


is there a possibility to configure Multiplus to dump battery capacity back into grid? I would charge it from the sun, but would like to control when to send it back to the grid based on the electricity spot prices.

thank you

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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie commented ·
Hi Yes you can just turn on the export the power you require by using the GX device.


Rob D


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1 Answer
shaneyake avatar image
shaneyake answered ·

Yes, it can Export from Battery.

You will need external control if you want to dump based on a price.
This easily done using NodeRed running on a Cerbo GX.

I am happy to help.

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ondrej-svoboda avatar image ondrej-svoboda commented ·
hi, perfect. I've a Cerbo GX (small installation). So I would need the full installation including NodeRed? Or could I do it somehow for the time-being at least manualy?

Or how to instruct it via NodeRed - could you please point me to some doc?

thanks a lot,


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shaneyake avatar image shaneyake ondrej-svoboda commented ·
If you want to do it manually buy changing the grid setpoint in the ESS menu. If you set it negative it will export.

NodeRed is really easy to active on the Cerbo, under the firmware menu just change the type to Large and click update, it will then install NodeRed. Once it has rebooted you can then go to the large features menu at the bottom and turn on NodeRed.

You can simply just use a node to control the ESS grid setpoint to different valves based on time.

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georgebester avatar image georgebester ondrej-svoboda commented ·
Will NodeRed also intall on a ccgx ?
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Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) avatar image Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) ♦♦ georgebester commented ·
No, it won't.
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ondrej-svoboda avatar image ondrej-svoboda commented ·
any feedback pls a lot
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