
daniel-mcguire avatar image
daniel-mcguire asked

500A Smart Shunt only allowing 50Ah of usage?

I am unsure if this is a battery or shunt problem but I have a 100Ah battery in my camping set up with the smart shunt to show SoC and usage. I am only ever able to use 50Ah of the battery according to the shunt, and then the battery shuts down. The shunt shows 100% at the start with 13.5V+ each time. Is there a setting I am missing that is only allowing the 50Ah to be used, then the shunt shuts off? any advice will be welcomed.

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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

The shunt only measures and reports. Other equipment may shut off based on its readings.

What else is in your system? And what type of batteries?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Is it the shunt switching off or the battery? The shunt usually only switches off when its power source is removed.

Check your discharge floor setting.

Or maybe share other settings here, you may have missed something.

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