
mccrane avatar image
mccrane asked

Venus OS - configuration update with cached .rvms files

Hi Victron experts,

I am using a RPI with Venus OS, MK3-USB, 3 MPII with ESS assistant for a home storage use case.

I would like to change the configuration of the system between a single phase / 1 Multi and a three phase / 3 Multi configuration to improve efficiency/prevent losses. I would like to automate the configuration change based on localy stored configuration files on the Venus device.

A configuration change works fine with the VRM portal after re/disconnecting the VEbus connection of the 2 unused Multis. Each configuration upload with the VRM portal leaves an .rvms configuration file in the /data/vrmfilescache folder.

The idea now is to use these files with the "vup" tool for local configuration updates. Is "vup" the right tool and does someone know the required parameters? Using "vup" is not that straight forward...

root@raspberrypi2:/data/vrmfilescache# vup -d
None or more than one physical gateway found.
Use -c to specify which gateway should be used.
The following gateways were found:

A "Venus local" file based configuration update could be also of interest for many others without internet/docker infrastructure for VRM.

Multiplus-IIVenus OS
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1 Answer
mccrane avatar image
mccrane answered ·

Hello folks,

I did some more research and I think the "vup" tool is not involved in system (re)configuration.

Maybe @mvader (Victron Energy) could provide the information if and how a "Venus local" reconfiguration could be done without VRM.

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