
mattyroo avatar image
mattyroo asked

VE CAN MPPT Baud Rate Change

I have a Cerbo that has been changed to 500kbps to communicate with an Orion BMS, as per Victron instructions.

How do I now change the baud rate of the VE CAN MPPTs to 500kbps such that they will communicate with the Cerbo?

MPPT ControllersVE.Can
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

The VE.Can devices are 250kbps and this baud rate cannot be changed.

On the CeboGX there are two Canbus interfaces, one labelled VE.Can and the other one labelled BMS-Can. Set the BMS-Can interface to 500kbps for your Orion BMS and then connect your VE.Can devices to the VE.Can interface at 250kbps.

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mattyroo avatar image mattyroo commented ·

For anyone in future reading this, old mate WKirby answer above does not work. Due to the fact that the VE CAN and VE BMS data ports are isolated.

To integrate any CAN instruments with Victron equipment running on VE CAN, such as an Orion BMS, one must have all device Baud rates set to 250kbps.

Ignore what Orion and Victron say about setting the baud rate to 500kbps, it MUST be set to 250kbps in all devices, to allow VE CAN equipment to communicate/be controlled. The Cerbo allows a setting of BMS and VE CAN 250kbps.

If you have other devices on the network, such as an OBD device, that this network had existing, I found that I could not change the baud rate in it, and it would not run when all other equipment was set with a baud rate of 250kbps. I resolved this by ensuring it was powered and on the network when I changed the baud rate of all devices to 250kbps. The OBD device froze for a while, but then seemed to recognise the new baud rate of 250kbps and worked away merrily.

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ mattyroo commented ·
It works perfectly well for me, thank you.

I have my battery BMS at 500kbps on the BMS Can port and all of the VE.Can MPPTs and Multi RS at 250kbps on the VE.Can port. All work well together, no communication problems at all.
Not sure why you have a problem in your particular case.

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mattyroo avatar image mattyroo commented ·
Thanks. If I did that, I would assume I fit a terminator in the VE Can port of the Cerbo that I remove the Orion BMS from? And also fit a terminator in the spare BMS CAN port?

I have a couple of other devices on the BMS CAN network, a bridge to pass battery NMEA PGNs to the CZone network and an OBD device for transmitting battery data to a tablet for detailed battery cell information. Will they work if I have this network connected to the BMS CAN port?

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mattyroo avatar image mattyroo commented ·
Ok, so I did as you suggest.

However, we lose communication with the VE-CAN devices to the BMS, such that DVCC is no longer controlling them. This is due to the fact that the data is isolated between the VE-CAN and the BMS-CAN, as per the Cerbo manual.

Ultimately, I think the units need to all operate on the 250kbps CAN network. But there are further integration issues with that.

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adowney avatar image adowney commented ·
Slight correction - the BMS.Can is fixed at 500, but the Ve.Can side is adjustable.
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MPPT Product Page

MPPT Error codes

MPPT 150/60 up to 250/70 Manual