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iwallmerlin asked

CAN Bus Messages

0x1F212 - DC Detailed Status

Why are there messages with data frames with repeating FFs?

[Sequence ID] [FF] [FF] [FF] [FF] [FF] [FF] [FF]?

When there are two 0x1F212s with the same Sequence ID, how are the data frames related?

0x1F306 - Converter (Inverter/Charger) Status

What does "Ripple State" refer to?

0x1F20D - Switch Bank Status

If you could explain just the general purpose of this PGN. What information is it providing?

What data do the 0x1CEFFF24 messages provide? I know that the first two bytes [66] [99] refer to the Victron manufacturer code, but do the other bytes contain anything useful?

MPPT ControllersVE.BusVE.Can
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3 Answers
custom avatar image
custom answered ·

0x1F212 = PGN 127506 - This PGN is transfered as a NMEA 2000 fast packet, which conists of two frames.

Frame 1 - Byte 0 = Sequence ID and Frame ID

Frame 1 - Byte 1 = Length of Data

Frame 1 - Byte 2 - Byte 7 = Data

Frame 2 - Byte 0 = Sequence ID and Frame ID

Frame 2 - Byte 1 - End = Data

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Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @iwallmerlin , not my specialty so I had to ask someone:

A bunch of FFs usually means undefined or not supported, someone who knows N2K will know.

What data do the 0x1CEFFF24 messages provide?

That gets interesting. The EF you see in there is always there, and after it follows the destination and source addresses. Destination 0xFF means broadcast. And the sender is 0x24. So this is a broadcast with a manufacturer specific message from the device with nad 0x24.Then in the payload, it always has 66 99, and then after that follows the 16-bit Vreg number, little endian (so you have to swap the two bytes around), and after that you have 4 bytes left for the data, which depends on what vreg is being set, but you can fit a 32-bit number in there.

Read our document "VE.Can registers public". On our website, under Downloads, technical information. This is explained on page 3

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peter-mahler avatar image
peter-mahler answered ·

AFAIK: Seems that you have an CAN error frame, because there is no can receiver node, or your receiver operates in "listen-only" only mode. The ACK bit on the pfhysical layer must be set from at least one receiver node. If there is no one, the sender tries to repeat the packets multiple times (CAN-Controller setting) and then sends an Error frame - that's what yout sequence looks like: The CAN ID is sent twice with the same sequence. .

It also happens when your receiving node has a "masking" for several CAN-ID, and no Catch-All mask - professional devices are programmed in this way, to detect missbehaviour.

Try to connect an CAN-Analyzer with disabled "listen-only"-mode, if i'm right, the FF's should not appear any more, and no double seqence should be sent....

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