
zpv avatar image
zpv asked

Multiplus II no longer approved for Austria grid?


I have just noticed, that Victron Multiplus II approval is limited to 31.01.2023 for Austria according to the official site:

It seems, that it does not complain to OVE R25.

What is the plan from Victron side here? Will it be solved by a firmware update?
We need an urgent answer, please.

Thank you in advance!

Multiplus-IIgridgrid parallel
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Victron knows that and is working on it.
It requires only a few changes in the grid settings.
The update should be available within the deadline.

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zpv avatar image zpv commented ·
@Matthias Lange - DE thank you for your answer.
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Jason - UK avatar image
Jason - UK answered ·

@zpv its the same in the UK and Europe. The global standards for generating equipment are changing. Most manufactures have already made their equipment compliant. It appears Victron are playing catch up. It might be worth to see if the Multiplus is also listed as 'waiting approval' as it is here in the Uk. I haven't checked for a while so it might already be re-approved.

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zpv avatar image zpv commented ·
@Jason - UK thank you for your answer. Unfortunately I am not aware of the possibility to check if it is listed as 'waiting approval' in Austria. I would highly appreciate if someone from Victron could acknowledge if they are working on the approval and if it will be implemented until the deadline by a firmware update.
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