
Max.kloos avatar image
Max.kloos asked

No VEConfigure button in VRM


i want to remotely configure my new Multiplus II 48/5000 GX with VE-Confirue in VRM. But the procedure due to doesn't work in my VRM.

In the device liste ther is no button for the VE-Configure. I've correctly activated the two-way-communication. But still no button. I already tried to reastart the device several times.

Hopefully someone can help me with my Problem.

Best Regards,


Multiplus-IIVEConfigure 3
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3 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·


The MultiPlus appears to be powered off / disconnected in VRM.

If the inverter charger unit is actually powered on (lights working, battery connected), then the next thing I would suspect is that there is an issue with the connection between the GX card device and MultiPlus.

This is a bit confusing because for your MultiPlus-II GX they are in the same physical case.

There is an internal ethernet cable that connects the GX card to the MultiPlus VE.Bus port here:


That cable also needs to be attached at the other end as well.

That would be the first thing that I would check. HOWEVER there are potentially fatal voltages inside the case and we don't advise anyone without suitable training and safety equipment to open the case.

Please get in touch with your distributor with this issue ("the MultiPlus is not appearing in the GX device list") and ask them for next steps with support.

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Max.kloos avatar image
Max.kloos answered ·


Thank you for your fast response. I don't think that i've got a problem with the connecntion. The multiplus GX appears correctly in VRM and the remote acess there is working fine as well.

I've made a Screenshot from my device list in VRM below. Maybe this can help so solve the problem. There i've got only the choiche to do a firmware update. The VE-configure button is missing. Could this be a software problem?


victron-vrm.png (59.3 KiB)
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Hi @max

When the VE.Bus cable is correctly connected it appears as a new line in the device list that shows Multi firmware version (4xx), product id and VE.Bus connection:


That is missing from your screenshot, which is just showing the "Gateway" component of the GX card without the MultiPlus connected via VE.Bus.

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Max.kloos avatar image
Max.kloos answered ·


thank you so much for your help. This blue patch cable was loose on the Multiplus mainboard. I had only to stick it back on and it works.

Now i've got the VE-Bus System in my device list and i can configure it.

Best Regards,


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You’re welcome, stay safe
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