
buxtonmick avatar image
buxtonmick asked

Orion dc-dc start voltage

46d546c2-04ad-476a-937e-7319841a08da.pngThe start voltage on the app defaults to 28v start, 27.6 delayed start and 27v shutoff. Of course, it always shows’engine shutdown detected’. If I try user defined, it will not go below 16v start. I have no idea what the problem is, anyone have any idea? Thanks!

orion dc-dc
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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Go to battery settings, not engine shutdown. In there set battery preset to user defined. This gives you access to the settings of the battery you're going to charge. Preferably enter the values from the battery maker, or pick an appropriate preset.

Engine d etection will then have parameters for a 12V battery.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

The Orion-Tr Smart doesn't have a multi-voltage input/output. If you have a 12V system you need an Orion 12/12. If you want to charge a 12V battery from a 24V alternator you need a 24/12 and to charge a 24V battery from a 12V alternator you need a 12/24.

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