
epower avatar image
epower asked

Jinko/Dyness Li-Ion Battery with Quattro - Experience and Setup

Hello Community,

we are planning a solar back up system with a Li-Ion battery bank from Jinko. The setup will include 15 kVA Quattros, SmartSolar MPPTs, GX device, grid + generator integration.

We are planning for the Jinko B51100 5 kWh Li-Ion units, see attached datasheet. They seem to be identical with the Dyness B51100.

JKS_B51100 Specification.pdf

Has anyone used the B51100 from Jinko/Dyness before and can share some experience?

Any recent experience with CAN bus itegration of Jinko/Dyness batteries?

Any feedback will be apreciated, Thanks.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerLithium BatteryVenus GX - VGX
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2 Answers
tnt369 avatar image
tnt369 answered ·

Have two parallel Quattro 5kVA with 12 Dyness B4850 and ColorControl as GX device. Works fine without problems. Please make sure to use the correct communication cable between GX and the batterie. I recived two types of cables from my supplier and had to test wich one works.

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jamesstubberfield avatar image jamesstubberfield commented ·
Hi - are you able to share the pinouts for the cable that worked for you? Many thanks!
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epower avatar image
epower answered ·

Meanwhile our systems are in operation since more than 6 month. One with a 120 kWh Jinko and the other with a 120 kWh Dyness battery bank. I can confirm full compatibility and experience is very positive till now. Connection and commissioning were straight forward and only few manual settings were needed. Dyness provides as well good support and seems to be quite knowledgeable with Victron technology.

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ashiraph avatar image ashiraph commented ·

Hello @epower I have the same Jinko batteries, 3 of them and connected to one Multipus- II 48/5000/70, one MPPT 450/100 with 7 kWp solar modules. My BMS always shows "High Voltage Alarm", could you please help me with this issue and maybe how to setup. I am available in case of email communication on [moderator edit removed personal information]

What settings did you put for the Absorption, float, equalisation voltages?

How did you setup the DVCC settings?

Thank you.

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tnt369 avatar image tnt369 ashiraph commented ·
With 56V max voltage for the battery there will be best to limit the voltage in the multiplus to 55V - 55.5V
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ashiraph avatar image ashiraph tnt369 commented ·
Hello @tnt369 thanks for the response. However, there is no AC input for the Multiplus.
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