
namex avatar image
namex asked

What happens if one Multiplus II stop working in a cluster?

First of all, happy eastern to everybody!

I've planing to build an 3 phase system wie Multiplus II inverters. For my off-grid installation I asked my, what happens if one of the inverters stops because of an error or defectiv.

Does the other two inverters work in 2 phase systems through, or does the compelte cluster stop working?

A lot of thanks!


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1 Answer
boekel avatar image
boekel answered ·

They will all stop.

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Elimac avatar image Elimac commented ·

What about 2 units in parallel, single phase? Same behavihour, or can one unit continue to provide 1/2 de power to loads, even though the system mught be in alarm?

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boekel avatar image boekel ♦ Elimac commented ·

They will all stop.

You'll have to disconnect them and program for stand-alone to get them working again.

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