
Marco Nijholt avatar image
Marco Nijholt asked

UPS Function Multiplus II failed today on overvoltage event

As the title mentions.

Today we had a major power grid failure where I live in the Netherlands. This caused the voltage to rise to abnormal values before completely failing.



You can see that it disconnected multiple times from the grid due to under voltage. When it disconnected from grid for over voltage, it turned off shortly after switching to "inverting".

The power in the house (behind critical) turned off, and I right away headed over to the victron equipment. It was in the following alarm mode:
VE.Bus Error: VE.Bus Error 10: System time synchronization problem occurred

In the manual its mentioned as not a real error, usually during system reboot. However, there is no other alarm created before that one. What caused the system to reboot?

The idea is that victron acts as a UPS, it works fine when I disconnect the grid via the breakers. But when an actual situation occurs where it's needed, it fails to protect completely, at least in the UPS part. It probably actually did protect my house from the over voltage that in my sister's house caused some electronics to break.

Do I have too high expectations of the system?

Additionally, my transfer switch settings, are they too loose?


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