
ludo avatar image
ludo Suspended asked

Suggestion for VE-Configure

It would be nice to have some additional info on the VE-bus monitor :

the state of the aux input(s)

the voltage at the sense input (if possible)

the temperature value at the sensor input



VEConfigure 3
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2 Answers
johanndo avatar image
johanndo answered ·

The values are indirectly reported on the dbus and are available in VenusOS / Cerbo if they are used in assistants. If there is a temp sensor connected, the temperature is reported, if the voltage sense wire is connected, the DC voltage reading comes from this wire. The digital inputs are for instance represented as allow charge / allow discharge BMS signals when you set up the 2-wire BMS assistant and assign the inputs to it.

They are not like GPIO ports, but when used, you can monitor them somehow by the function they are attached to.

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ludo avatar image
ludo answered ·

Hello Johann,

I only have the Multiplus "1", as I am already using the virtual switch the assistants are not available.

I use Aux_in as feedback from the external NS (Germany), even though it is on "disable" the unit tries to feed back to the grid, so I'd like to check the status of the input.



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